
Hey all, welcome to my little website adventure. Im not completely done with it, but let me give you an overview. My alias in Lunix_the_III for those who dont know, and a few people know what i do. My name is Batman and i like all sorts of music. I can stand most music, but i prefer everything loud and obnoxious or with a nice beat (like techno :-P). Right now im going out with the girl of my dreams, Brianna. I realize that sounds like something a little kid would say, but i could really care less what you think about the matter. Im happy. So fcuk you :-P. Ok thats enough on that subject, a little more about me:

My fav color is Dark blue or Silver

My favorite past time is playing video games or hangin with my girl

Im about 5' "11

I have eyes that change color from blue to green, depending on my m00d.

I love to be random, its a hobbie. the surprise on peoples faces when they ask a serious question and i reply with something like "Why? Is there a chicken on my head?" is priceless. Oh yea, my nickname is Batman! Now for some shout outs:

Brianna: I love you girl. Tacos are cool

.............Tanya: Hey tanya. remember ur orthodontist dream? stay my sista u jalapeno butt nut

Ian!!: WHATS UP MUTHA FUCKA!!!HAHAHA! take out the pedestrians!!

Damien: Quit Poking Smote fcukin stoner! Keep the techno blaring and the hotties starin. stay fresh sucka

Randy: Whats up gangsta? Keep it real og

Rod: If anyone can beat you on a skate, i would change my name to sandy...dont let anyone beat you..please!

Sarah & Maggie: You two go beyond words, i swear

Tara: Keep up the cheerleading or whatever it is. yea.

IF u wanna be on my list..let me kno and ill add ya.......well ill update later so thats all for now. sign my guest book dammit! and make sure u look at my sub-profile from AIM. Its right below the poll. i added it just cuz i thought it would add more pizzaz...and i didnt want to write all that again. :-D yea im lazy...7/7: I ADDED 2 NEW FORUMS!(one for secret members of the o.b.g and the other for public use)AND A NEW PAGE!(slipknot page)!!!......I UPDATE 2 TIMES A WEEK!! KEEP CHECKING BACK!! STAY FRESH SUCKA!

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(Updated: 06/10/03)
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