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Welcome to Of Light and Lashes. This is a site to showcase my writing and possibly the writing of others. DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THESE STORIES WITHOUT MY CONSENT! Please e-mail me if you want me to consider a story you have written.

May 24, 2003--It's taking me a little longer than I thought it would to finish the beginnings of my stories. My fanfics, or part of them, may be the first items up once I get my other computer unpacked. Please be patient. I may put up one of my less stellar stories to hold you over. Don't judge me by this one work, though. It was written when I pulled an all nighter for my creative writing class. Also, I will probably post my fanfics on Schnoogle or or something as well as post them here. That's about it for now. To read some other writing, of the random variety, you can visit my livejournal here

Stories coming soon!


Notes of a College Virgin

The images used in the above banner are copyright Jack Vettriano.