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Pinned Posts:

Love, Peace, Frisbee, Guitar . . .

blog*Lenny? means less random crap here and more elsewhere.

Monday, June 2, 2003
I started a blog, so I won't post as much random crap here (probably). Whew, major profile update today.

Old Stuff Below
I won't archive any of this in a different file are anything like that, just note that everything below this line* is old.

* -----

DMXsp7x: paly relaly

Enter my Lair

(F2) -| |-

DoF kicks ass.

Friday, May 23, 2003
Frisbee in the rain . . . O Yeah!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003
The WHAP test was yesterday. It wasn't too bad, just too damn long. It's my brother's birthday today. 18. My parents are no longer legally obligated to feed him.

Thursday, May 8, 2003
The WHAP test is encroaching. Yesterday I discovered Home Star Runner. I am in awe. TROGDOR!!!!

Topic closed...sort I'm just waiting to see if I was right or wrong.
If you have a good reason to go to war with Iraq, please tell me. "The president told me to do it" is not a reason. If Mr. Bush jumped off of the roof of the school would you do it? Added feature: you can also IM me if you're against the war., I mean fair unbiased information about the fine teaching staff at Oceanside HS
Rate your teachers (Thanks Rakib)

Friday, April 11, 2003 - Lot's of Updates Today
So anyway, it was the math fair (round 2) and I got out of my Spanish test. I came home without pants (Yes, Jared, I did it). I only got bronze, but I guess that's pretty good since I got into round 2. I also wrote a sarcastically retarded poem about it.

The beating of the rain
The beating of the heart
Math fair

Kazaa has spyware and adware; Kazaa Lite does not. Use the latter. Actually, piracy is wrong. Buy music.
