Monster Island, a Great Vacation!

It's Virtual Insanity! How delightful.
Picture Book! ||| Links ||| Dana ||| Equals ||| Supreme

Now that my catchy music and bold use of colour has hooked you...

Thanks for coming to the site. This is the product of several days of mind-numbing html scripting over my spring break vacation in Florida. Hey, my skin is too light to do anything other than burn and the only fit guys around were 50-year-old, be-thonged Germans, so what did you expect?

Oh yeah, and that dashing young fellow to the left is none other than the (im)famous Pete Townshend. If that ain't good looks...well, we all know about my slightly quirky taste. But for Pete's (heehee) sake people, just look at that proboscis! It's scrumtrulescent!

By the way, all of the links work here, so if Angelfire tells you otherwise, just press "refresh". They're bandwidth-hogging fuckers.

I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." -Lennon

This site can best be described as a vanity project. It makes me look like I'm finally doing something other than smoking pot to my parents, and quite frankly, I enjoy writing about things I like and choosing appealing colour combinations. That said, I want to try and make this useful to everyone. So if you really look into the site, and in the Picture Book section especially, you'll find fun transcripts and little bits of information about things that are of interest to us. Maybe even embarrassing photos of me. As a wise friend once said, "Congratulations, you ARE the target audience."

<bgsound src="Under_Pressure.mp3">
