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Meerca Chase Guide

Meerca Chase

Guide Created by: Duke

Meerca chase is a favorite game of many people mostly because you hit a fishnegg its gets you 150 points on easy, 250 points on medium, and a whopping 400points on hard. Its also one of those games where the more you play the better you get. You will need to have fast hand-eye coordination. Once your eyes get used to the speed you chose you should be fine.

Before you play at any level you need to play a practice round. This round do not worry about getting neggs it will only make it harder for you. Heres what you do. When it starts keep going up until you get about 3 negg spaces away, and then turn around and go the other way. Next thing you need to do is try and get as close to the wall as you possibly can. keep doing this for about 30 seconds to a minute. Now if you keep hitting the wall it is probably one of two reasons. The first possibility is that your computer is slow and the meerca will lag and look more like its jumping than running. Sometimes it only jumps every once in a while, but if this happens close all of your other programs you are running and try again. If it still doesn't work look down in your icon tray in the bottom right hand of your screen and close all of the programs you know are safe to close. Most of these are usually, kazaa or any other music downloading service, AIM, Msn Messanger, and yahoo messanger. Another reason is when you play hard it has about a .2 second delay in turning so it may look like you will clearly make the turn and you don't. Easily fix this by turning earlier. Your next task you should try is going around the entire game. Try and stay as close to the sides as you can and only turn at the corners. You may have to restart the game for this because you may have hit some neggs along the way. Now your practice is over. You will need to repeat this practice every time you advace a level or if you just need the practice.

When you play always remember you can cut the turna little short and it will still hit the negg so don't ever try the impossible. If you are stuck where there is two red neggs surrounding 1 yellow negg you need to be ready to turn around imediately. So come from a side and turn up trying to hit it. If you think you might have a chance at missing then turn around imediately and go try again. Think out your moves. Never put yourself in a position you may not be able to recover from.

If you have never played before I suggest playing for either about 2 weeks every day making sure you get 300nps a day. Thats 100nps a try. Not only will that get you better but that is 2100nps richer you are. Now I know that seems like you will never make any nps but you will just be patient.

After this 2 weeks of barely making any neopoints you need to advance. Click on the medium thing but do NOT click start yet. Move your mouse out of the screen and use space. The reason I say this is because when you advance it will seem as if you are going about 4x the speed before. The mouse hand can be very destracting and may keep you from getting a good score. Instead of using the mouse to click start get your right hand on the arrow pad(left if you are left handed) and use the other hand to hit space. Then your off. On this level it goes so fast that sometimes you hit negs that you were not ready for. So what I like to do and you do not have to do it is after I hit a negg I turn to the right or left. This is because a lot of red negs appear near the one before so when you turn it gives you another .8 seconds to get out of the way. When you get further in the game there are a lot of red negs so a way to stall for time to think is go diagonal by hitting the up arrow and one of the side arrows back and forth very fast. You should make 200points in this game before you send score. Stay on this level for about 2 weeks making an approximate 4200 points for those weeks.

Next you must move on to the hardest level. I suggest doubling your practice you do.(seen above) This is because the speed pretty much doubles and so as you know it will be hard to adjust. Again use space to click start not the mouse. If you hit a fish negg you will be rolling in the dough. Now on this level make sure you have 200nps before you send. Do this only for the first 2 weeks just so you can adjust to it and not spend all your time on that game. After 2 weeks make sure you get 300 before you send it in. Now after a while if you frequently get 400points or 500points every time set your own goals. Don't only go by what I tell you.

Rumors and Questions:

Rumor: If you start with a yellow negg behind you you will get a fish negg sometime in the game.
True or False: False, I have started with a negg behind me and gotten 600 points and did not get 1 fish negg that entire time. Also technically you start at the very edge and the negg just sometimes doesn't pop up till you pass it so this is false the neggs are random.

Have a rumor or a question? E-mail me with the Rumor or question about this game. Make sure you tell me what game its for!