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Welcome To Andrew Rieners Late Online Comedy

Welcome Late Online Comedy I try to make you laugh but i sometimes cant do that can I.LOL. Well im a new Comedian or think i am? In the news-In 1866, Congress authorized minting of the 5-cent piece. Sounds like they got tired of all the pennys. US accuses Iran of haveing some kind mass destruction plant.God we better get our new T-Shirts for Iranian war we wouldnt want to disappoint the economy or president Bush he might lock us up. 15 Questions- We are going to start a topic and you ask 1 question thats dumb or funning about a Possible War with Iran. Email your jokes I dont usally support Msn because it supports NBC and i dont like them to much so i might change my Questions adress That email address is not for social email if you want to email me a social question please use mine at the bottom of this page. Thanks Again Enjoy more to come

What i try to do

My Favorite Web Sites

Late Show with DavidLettermen
Late Late show with Craig Kilborn
