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' B r i n g i n g    T h e     P a i n

|| Role-Play # : 1 || Win/Loss/Draw : 00 - 00 - 00 || Next Match : /w Raven VS. The Worlds Greatest Tag Team ||
|| Longest Unbeaten Streak :
?? || Current Streak : ?? ||
|| WWCF Achievements :
Coming Soon... ||


Prologue: Brock Lesnar made quite the impact on RAW this Tuesday night. He came during the middle of the first King of The Ring semi final match-up of the night, which happened to be Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash! Randy had just hit Nash with the RKO when Lesnar's music hit and down he came... Randy put up somewhat of a fight, but he was already wiped out and Brock took over quickly and sent the young rookie Orton flying to the mat from an F-5 ... the crowd seemed qute pleased to see Brock here in the WWCF, but the question is, why did he come here, and why did he attack Orton, pissibly costing him his King of The Ring shot?? what kind of revenge will Orton be our for now? We will most likely see what Brock Lesnar is up to in the coming weeks... and we will see if maybe this is leading up to a match between Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton... Time will tell, and soon enough Randy Orton, will FEEL THE PAIN

-| The scene opens up with Brock in what appears to be a Wal-Mart or something... he has a Grocery cart next to him and he's standing in an isle, with nobody else in it. Brock is looking at something... the camera zooms in... it's Deoderant, in a purple case - "Wildflower" scented... he seems somewhat intrigued and ignorant to the fact that this is most likely womens Deoderant... I think we can assume he doesn't go out shopping much either. He takes the lid off the Deoderant, brings it up to his nose and sniffs it... he kinda nods in approval, puts the cap back on it and tosses the Deoderant over his shoulder into the Grocery cart... He then gets behind the cart and starts moving down the isle, occansionally pausing to look at something. He gets to the end of the isle, and a little boy walks up to him. |-

]-Little Boy-[ Hey! you're Brock Lesnar! i'm a huge fan of yours! I still watched WWCF without you, but it just wasn't the same without you there to kick everyones butt! then I was watching RAW and that butthole, Randy Orton was just about to win! and then your music went on, and I just knew you were going to come down and kick Randy's butt, because you always do the cool thing, and I know there's gonna be a lot more butt kicking with you around.

]-Brock-[ you've got that right kid... Randy Orton got exactly was he deserved. maybe he'll finally shut up.

]-Little Boy-[ I hope so!

]-Brock-[ say, you want an autograph, kid? they sell WWCF posters here... go find one, and i'll sign it for you.

]-Little Boy-[ Oh really?? that would be way cool! i'll go find one now... Just make sure you stay in the store

]-Brock-[ alright, i'll just stay here and look at the WWCF magazine.

-| Brock pulls a WWCF magazine out of his Grocery cart and starts flipping through the pages... not really stopping to read much of it... he's looking a little impatient after about five minutes, and looks at his watch... he looks arounf comtemplating walking off when all of a sudden the little boy yells from a little ways away. |-

]-Little Boy-[ hey Brock! i'll be right there! if my mom would just hurry up!

-| the kid is rushing up to Brock as fast as he can pulling on the sleeve of his moms shirt, trying to get her to move faster (by the way, his mom is HOT) they get to Brock finally and Brock eyes her up and down and smiles |-

]-MILF-[ so you're the guy in that violent wrestling show? don't you worry that you're rotting these kids minds?

]-Brock-[ sure, whatever you say... did ya get the poster kid? because I really have to get going

]-Little Boy-[ yep! I sure did!

-| the little kid pulls the poster out of their Grocery cart, and brings it to Brock, who pulls a pen out of his pocket and proceeds to sign the poster |-

]-Brock-[ Hey kid, what's your name?

]-Little Boy-[ Tommy!

-| Brock finishes singing the poster and hands it back to the kid |-

]-Brock-[ Alright well Tommy, i've gotta get going, it's been nice meeting ya.

-| Brock starts to walk away... |-

]-Little Boy-[ Hey Brock... can ya do me a favor at king of the ring?

]-Brock-[ what would that be?

]-Little Boy-[ Kick Charlie Haas's and Shelton Benjamin's asses for me!

]-Brock-[ no problem.

-| Brock walks away laughing as the kids mom scolds her child for his naughty word... the scene then fades out. |-

-| The scene next opens up in a limo... Brock is relaxing in the back with his eyes closes and some headphones on when all of sudden the limo starts swerving out of control. Brock immediatly opens his eyes and takes off his headphones |-

]-Brock-[ What the hell is going on?!?

]-Limo Driver-[ We almost hit a dog!!

]-Brock-[ is that all? get this thing under control before I fire your ass!

-| The limo finally gets under control, and Brock closes his eyes once more... the scene then fades out, and fades back in ten minutes later:: we here police sirens closely trailing the limo... the limo pulls off the the side of the road... Brock realizes the limo stopping, and opens his eyes, and pulls off the headphones again |-

]-Brock-[ what is is now?? do we have a flat tire or something?

-| He then sees the flashing lights reflecting off the window |-

]-Brock-[ you've GOTTA be kidding me!! you got us pulled over by the cops?? how fast were you going?!

]-Limo Driver-[ ehh... he must've seen me not stop for the red light back there

]-Brock-[ what?? you have got to be the most incompetent limo driver i've ever had! and one of them was a hipee!!!

]-Limo Driver-[ ohh crap... I wonder if he'll smell the pot on my breath....

]-Brock-[ What?! I didn't think it could possibly get worse... screw this! i'm outa here!

-| Brock slides out the right side limo door as the cop comes up to the drivers side... Brock then jumps over the side of the highway thing and hides next to it peering over the top waiting for the cop to leave... the cop is there talking with the driver about something for about ten minutes then he drives off... the driver doesn't seem to have really gotten in any trouble at all... in fact the cop seemed to be quite friendly as he walked off, then drove away... Brock slowly stands up and walks over to the limo with a confused look on his face... he opens the door and gets in... |-

]-Brock-[ what the hell happened?

]-Limo Driver-[ ohh, nothin' much, he just wanted a few hits of my weed, and then he let me off with a warning... so you have to be at the arena dude, lets get going...

-| Brock just shakes it off and closes his eyes again as the limo drives off... |-

-| The scene next opens up back at the arena as the limo is pulling into the parking garage... as usual michael cole is standing there waiting to interview the next superstar like the pest he is... the limo pulls to a stop and out walks Brock Lesnar! the fans erupt at this site... Brock smiles at all the cheers for him, and then starts walking towards the entrance to the arena with a duffel bag over his shoulder |-

]-Michael Cole-[ hey, Brock! could I get a few words with you?

]-Brock-[ sure, why not.

]-Michael Cole-[ well I think the question everyone was wondering... is why did you attack Randy Orton on RAW?

]-Brock-[ well somebody had to shut him up, and I just happened to think that i'm the man for the job... you see Cole, there are a lot of "tough guys" around here who think they are the best there is, but the fact is that i'm the best, and I always will be. The difference between me and them is that I back it up... all they do is run their mouths, Randy Orton being one of the biggest mouths in the business, and I felt it was about time someone taught him a lesson he would never forget

]-Michael Cole-[ is there anyone else you had on your mind?

]-Brock-[ well... i'll admit, there are a few other guys around who could use a good ass kicking, Triple H, Chris Jericho, John Cena... just to name a few. guys like this never shut their mouths unless someone does it for them... it's been a long time since Jericho got a proper ass kicking, and who knows, maybe that's what he in for from macho man... personally I think Macho is just an old man who is in for a beat down by that cocky punk, Jericho, but who knows, maybe he can pull off the uspet victory... but as for Jericho, he may be impossible to shut up no matter how many times you kick his ass.... Triple H on the other hand... I might just be able to shut his mouth pretty easy

]-Michael Cole-[ well, I was wondering... are there any titles you had on your mind?

]-Brock-[ well, obviously I wouldn't mind a piece of that undisputed title down the road... but I know in this federation you have to earn your way to the top, and that's exactly what I plan to do. i'll get through anyone that I have to in order to earn my place here... and accomplish all my goals... and I do have a few goals that need to be accomplished... not if you excuse me, i'll be heading to my locker room now Cole.

]-Michael Cole-[ ok, thanks for your time Brock

]-Brock-[ no problem.

-| Brock walks off and the scene fades out |-

-| Brock Lesnar is walking down the hallway when he runs into D...D...P |-

]-D..D..P-[ Hey Brock! what's goin on?

]-Brock-[ not to much...

]-D..D..P-[ Oh man, that was a great job kickin' randy ortons ass on RAW... that little Evolution punk deserved every bit of that... you keep up that kinda ass kicking and you will be champ in no time man... that is unless I have something to say about it... but ya know, that's not a bad thing...! (ddp smiles real wide) thats a good thing, cause we could have a real class match Brock ya know...

]-Brock-[ ya, no doubt we'd have a great match, blow the roof off the place... but how about you man? facing the other Evolution jackass, Billy Kidman. You'd better kick his ass dude.

]-D..D..P-[ Oh no problem, no problem, I've got that under raps... haha, that guy doesn't know what he's gettin' himself into. that European title might as well be handed to me! but you're right, i've gotta kick his ass, cause that boy has a mouth almost as big as as Randy Orton, and that's saying something.

]-Brock-[ you're not kidding... oh, and if Randy Orton thinks he can get involved in your match then you can gaurentee that he's going to be getting part 2 of the Brock ass kicking saga. I'll make sure that it's branded into his memory... there's no doubt he'll be back running his mouth off soon enough and probably at me. that will be his big mistake too, because he will soon find out that unlike some of these people who sit around here and take this crap, I don't I will do something about this kid... I'm not scared of ANYTHING, people are scared of me

]-D..D..P-[ thanks Brock, that is very much appreciated man, but I don't really think that I will have much of a problem with these losers. they could never handle the abilities of D..D..P, and they could never kick out of the diamond cutter! So man... after King of the Ring when we kick some major ass, you wanna go out for a beer?

]-Brock-[ sure, that sounds good... but it's not like i'll be whiped out or anything... haha, anyways, I'm about to head to the ring, i'll catch ya later

]-D..D..P-[ alright, i'll see ya later dude.

-| Brock and DDP walk off in seperate directions as the scene fades out. |-

-| the scene opens up with king and KJR at ringside talking about the king of the ring card |-

]-JR-[ hello folks, and welcome to WWCF television, i'm JR here, and i'm sitting next to the King! coming up soon as everyone by now knows is WWCF king, of the Ring!! a WWCF king of the ring is about to be announced this sunday! it will either be Justin Credible or Kevin Nash! anyways, as for the event, we will be starting with Heat, and the first heat match will be Mark Jindrak vs. AJ Styles vs Brock vs Rob Van Dam! what a match this will be! these guys are three top competitors... Mark Jindrak is just a rookie, but i'm sure he is looking to make a impact here in the WWCF... but going up against RVD and AJ Styles, two in ring veterans... i'd definatly have to give the advatantage in this to those two guys

]-King-[ definatly JR, this Jindrak kid still has a lot to learn before he can win big matches like this in the WWCF! anyways, moving onto the next match, which is a pretty impressive match, especially for a Heat show... but thenagain this is the Heat before the 2003 king of the ring! it's gotta be big as well obviouly... anyways this match is The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs. Raven and Brock Lesnar! Lesnar really impressed us on RAW when he attacked Randy Orton! Brock Lesnar is a monster, and RaVen is sure an experiecned in ring veteran, but i've gotta say... as a tag team, my favorites would have to be Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, because these guys really know how to work together, and can be lethal in the ring... so Raven and Brock Lesnar better watch their backs!

]-JR-[ well that's true King, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas can be lethal, but then again Brock Lesnar is one of the most lethal men in this industry... I guess we will just have to wait and see. Well the next match is the first king of the ring match, which is a European title title match, the european title which has been vacant for about a week or so will be fought for by Diamond Dallas Page, and Billy Kidman, both of whom won their number one contender matches on RAW. personally I am favoring DDP because he seems very determined to become the new European champion and to shut up those jackasses in evolution!

]-King-[ oh come on JR! evolution is great! Ric Flair! a 16 time WWF champion! hes a legend, and he's managing these guys... Randy Orton, the most promising young superstar in the business, and he's already beaten plenty of big names! then there's Billy Kidman who is a big time rising star in the business! anyways, now that i've proved you wrong i'll be moving on the next match is my favorite yet! it's the womens chamber match! it will be Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Jackie Gayda vs. Dawn Marie vs, Kimberly Page!! woooo all the puppies, I don't know if I can handle it JR! five sets of puppies all battling it out for the womens title! this is gonna be great JR! I have my money or Torrie Wilson! as shes my favorite in this match! Well anyways, the next match is a HUGE match made by Eric Bischoff! and I think this will bring him far above Vince McMahon... don't get me wrong, I can't get enough of vince McMahon, but this is just amazing! it's the return of two huge superstars! Goldberg, and Stone Cold Steve Austin! facing off! for the first time these two superstars will get in the ring together and we will find out who is the better man... not to mention that these guys will probably become big in the WWCF! it's been a long time since we've seen either of them, and the fans are sure happy to have heard that they're here... so far we've only heard from Austin, but i'm sure we will also hear from Goldberg anytime now!

]-JR-[ Well I sure hope so king! anyways next is Kurt Angle vs. Edge for the TV title... King, these two men have hated each other for a long time, and finally we will see who the better man! and whoever is the better man will be the one holding that strap! the next match is even bigger! it's for the Intercontinental title, and it's the WWCF's local superhero, The Hurricane, vs. the Sensai of Mattitude, Matt Hardy, vs. the people champion, The Rock! it would definatly be my opinion that these guys are all fan favorites, and they are all great superstars, so it could really go any way! anyone could walk out of this match the new WWCF Intercontinental title! the next match is huge as well, but it is especially huge for the two men in the match, because it is a career match between Triple H, and Sting! one of these men will lose their career!

]-King-[ well thats the price they can pay for getting involved in a match like this! they know what they're getting into when the sign that contract. well the next match is one of the biggest of the night, if not the biggest, it's 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs. the Current Undisputed champ, he is the man, Chris Jericho, and he is the man who I believe will STILL be the undisputed champion after king of the ring... the next match is the main event! it is the finals of the king of the ring tournament! "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash vs. his friend, and rising WWCF star, Justin Credible! one of these men will be the WWCF 2003 KING of the RING! that's a huge achievement to have to your name! and that's not all! the winner gets a shot at the Undisputed champion at Summerslam!! not somthing that comes easy, but both of these men earned there way here... anyways... we have to go to commercial now! but stay tuned!

-| the WWCF comes back from the commercial and Lesnars music hits the loudspeakers! |-

]-JR-[ well it looks like we're going to hear from Brock Lesnar!

]-King-[ Oh boy!

-| Lesnar appears from behind the curtains bouncing back and forth of his feet, the fans going nuts! he heads down the ramp just looking around at the crwod emotionless... hes gets to the ring and hops up onto the turnbuckle and pulls on the top rope a few times, then jumps up and stomps his feet down on the apron, which signals his pyros to go off at the same time... he then enters in the ring, and paces around a little, moving quite fast. his music finally cuts and he moves to the side of the ring and accepts a mic... he moves his hands over his mouth and looks around still emotionless... then he begins to speak. |-

]-Brock-[ How'd ya like how I handled Randy Orton??? (crowd goes nuts) ya, that's what I thought... you people want his mouth shut just as bad as everyone else! but that's not what i'm out here to talk about, what i'm out here to talk about is my match this Sunday at king of the ring!! i'll be going up against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas! who do these punks think they are? they ran their mouths and now they will pay the price. see, they think they're smart, but they're no smarter than me really, at least not in the ring... in the ring it's as simple as anything that I will just tear them apart. the worlds greatest tag team? hah! i'm about to dismantle the worlds greatest tag team single handedly! heheh, oh ya, there's the fact that I have a partner... and that partner is the Raven guy... he said his piece and all, ya I heard ya Raven... well heres how it goes. stay out of my way and everything will be just fine... just let me get in the ring, to my job, which is kicking the asses of guys like these, and me and you will stay cool... but let this be known Raven... if you cost me this match ... not only will the worlds greatest tag team recieve my vengeance so so will YOU!! all punks in my way will FEEL THE PAIN!

-| Brock drops the mic and heads out of the ring as his music hits and the scene fades out |-


|| Felt The Pain :Coming Soon ||

|| Handler Information || E-Mail :  || AIM : SyberWzrd ||
||WWCF Brock Lesnar since: July 29th 2003 ||