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J o i n C u t e y K i t t y K i n g d o m - The Guild for Cat Lovers

Soon To Come:

This is Cutey Kitty Kingdom's brand new website! It soon will include answers to all your guild questions, a guild mall, and much much more! This site will help you with all your guild needs, and soon will list all the people who can answer all your guild questions, also this web site will provide you with the secrets to becoming a successful happy Neopian! Random pets will soon be up for adoption and you and the owner can arange a time to get that pet, the best way is to go straight to the search engine so that way you have more of a chance of getting the pet you want.
There is now a Guild Donation Station, it is baby_star34's shop, I will add a link as soon as I can, the link will be displayed in the guild updates first =).Please vote on the poll, it is very important that you do.
Does anyone in the guild know how to make banners??? I have no idea but if you do please neomail Baby_Star34 or Luna566502. I was wondering because I think we should have atleast one or two banners in the guild for members to be able to copy and paste into their shops,pet pages, ect.

Please Keep Checking Back Here For The Latest Guild News!! =)

Not Yet A Member?
Welcome! This is a fantastic site for an even more fantastic guild! Wondering why YOU should Join? That's a crazy question, but if YOU love cats/kittens then this guild is purrrfect(hehe) for YOU! We'd love to have YOU as a member! YOU benefit from joining by being able to participate in fun cool contests and giveaways,YOU recieve gr8* newbie packs filled with fun surprises, and best of all you can have the most fun here at Cutey Kitty Kingdom, So go on now and Join!


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