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Hello every one, your are now in the mind of Zach, that would be me. Here, on this webpage, i post all the things that I feel like posting. A Rolling sea of my stupidity and enless thoughts. So, if you enjoy Listing to people ramble on and on and listaning to a childs enless thoughts about nothing but the useless thoughts of a child then you will enjoy this place. If you see something that you like here and want to take it, be my guest. If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at Reply). Or, Reply).

July 3, 2003.

Well, just started this site. If anyone needs any e-mail serveses you can use my e-mail system. Just go to Well, nothing realy to add to my site at the moment Ill add more as I think of it.

Random thought of the day: The oldest person to ever be given a drivers lisence was 109 in the us. Wow, thats old.

Also, If you would like me to review your site(I love to review sites) ill do so, All you have to do is send in your site address to me at my e-mail and ill post your link here and review your site. You get sugjestions on your site, a oppinion, extra and free adversisment, what have you got to lose?

7:23pm Todays review:

This place had hundreds of games and movies made by people who are learning flash. Basicly if oyu know how to make flash movies oyu can submit them and have people rate them. If you dont know how to make flash games or movies you can just watch/play the movies/games and rate them. This website dose have adult games and movies on it but it warns you befor you play/watch them. I give this website a 7/10.

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