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Here, under-aged drinking isn't just for fun, its mandatory!!

This is the web page for the non-violent resistance group K.I.D.D. This stands for Kids Into Drinking and Drugs. All we are is a group of teenagers raging against drinking age limits, where others protest about laws, we simply break them. The whitmore cell is the founding cell known as BEER cell.

This site has been going a little slow recently. Mainly cos im a lazy bastad, but also cos its gettin into winter and so it gets dark early and so cos my cameras shit i cant really take any pics so there isnt much to put up here. However i have managed to find a site that'll let me host a chat room from here so there is now a reason to come here more often and thus motivation for me to do sumet fuking interesting on here. So you can expect to see alot more content appearing here in the next few weeks, as well as a possible new cell from some girl skool in harrow, cant really rember the name right now.

I am going to be putting to gether a KIDD guide to life in the form of a PDF it'll have all kinds of stuff from hiding ur stach tin, geting served, a much larger selection of oppions on drink and such like. If you want to add anything to it that you think my be useful to ur fellow drinkers and takers then just email them to and if there any good i'll add them to it.

Please note that this is not a support group, we are not here to help drugies get a cheap fix, or get them off it. Which brings me to another thing, no hard drugs.

The InnER Chambers of this Organisation

Click here to find out how to join this organisation
All of the current KIDD members
Improved (slightly) log of all of KIDD's active operations, well, i say all, god only knows how many there have actualy been, but we at least have pciks of these ones
If you find your out of trouble, try new ways to land yourself in it!
Here are the few sites that i have deemed worthy for praise, more soon

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