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Serjeants, Corporals, and Drummers & Fifers

[note: names for Serjeants covers the period for June 25 to September 24, 1814 only]

Serjeant Major

Bellman Ernest

25th June24th July30Promoted Quarter Master 25th July

Wurdig Wilhelm

25th July24th September

62from Serj

Promoted Serjt Maj 25 July

Quarter-Master Serjeant

Stephanuth Paul

25th June"


Pay-Mater's Clerk

Marchisi Jas Bte

25th June"


Drum-Major as [???]

Ossano  Charles

25th June"




Appenzeller Henry

Co.: 11

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 1

25th June17th September


Prisoner of War 17th September

Assal  Frederick

Co.: 4

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 2

24th do


Batton  Martinat Kingstonat Kingstonat KingstonColour Serjt

Co.: 3 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 3 

Bellogo Francois

Co.: 5 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 4 

Bick  JeanSick in Gl HlSick in Gl Hl

Co.: 10

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 5

Birsch LouisInvalid left in Spain

Co.: 3

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 6 

Brechwald -----Recruiting in England

Co.: 7 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 7 

Bross  David17th September85Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 12 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 8

Caffieri BruggioX20th July26at KingstonDied on the 20th July

Co.: 11

7 Yrs.: 1

Roll #: 9

Christen Martin24th September92at Kingstonat KingstonColour Serjt

Co.: 5 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 10 

Cordet  Dominiqueto 26 July by [???]Invalid Sent Home

Co.: 4 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 11 

Debry  GeorgOn Dutyat Kingstonat Kingston

Co.: 9 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 12 

Dennier JeanSick in Gl HlSick in Gl Hl

Co.: 10 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 13

Dickow  CharlesX17th do85Killed 17th September

Co.: 1 [?]

7 Yrs.: 2 [?]

Roll #: 14

Dorsh Francois24th do92Invalid left in Spain

Co.: 4

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 15 

Eller  Xavier92On DutyOn DutyOn Duty

Co.: 7 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 16 

Fehr  JacobX17th do85Killed 17th September

Co.: 2

7 Yrs.: 3

Roll #: 17

Geyster Jean24th do92Invalid left in Spain

Co.: 12

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 18

Gerom  VendelinColour Serjt

Co.: 1

7 Yrs.: 

Roll #: 19

Giovanni Peterat Kingstonat KingstonSick in Rl Hl

Co.: 10 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 20

Gothard NicolasSick in Rl HlOn DutyOn Duty

Co.: 4 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 21 

Hirscher JosephX20th do88Colour Serjt  Died on the 20th September

Co.: 8 

7 Yrs.: 4

Roll #: 22

Holle  Charles24th do92at Kingstonat Kingstonat Kingston

Co.: 8

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 22 

Hollinger Ignace17th do85Colour Serjt  Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 4 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 24 

Hurtzel  JacobX8th do76Deserted 8th September

Co.: 5 

7 Yrs.: 5

Roll #: 25

Jacoby  Xavier24th do92at Kingstonat Kingstonat Kingston

Co.: 1

7 Yrs.: 

Roll #: 26

Jeannet  JeanInvalid Sent Home

Co.: 1 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 27 

Kokofsky Jean

Co.: 8 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 28 

Kreise  JosephAs No 11Invalid Sent Home

Co.: 6 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 26 

Kuneisen Jean17th do85Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 2 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 30 

Lambrecht Jean24th do92at Montrealat Montrealat Montreal

Co.: 12

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 31

Lerch  Jean17th do85Colour Srjt Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 12 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 32

Lessig  Jacobdo85do Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 2 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 33 

Lucente Gaetano21st August58Missing on the 21st August

Co.: 12 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 34

Mebius Gottlieb24th September92Sick in Rl Hl

Co.: 7

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 35 

Meyer  Louisfrm [?] 25 Augt As No 11Sick at Kingstonat Montrealat Montreal

Co.: 1 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 36 

Meyer MartinX8th do76Deserted 8th September

Co.: 3 

7 Yrs.: 6

Roll #: 37

Menzy  Johan24th do92

Co.: 11

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 38

Mettler  JeanSick in Gl HlSick in Quarter

Co.: 10

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 39

Nikorsky BasilX12th August49Killed on the 12th August

Co.: 7

7 Yrs.: 7

Roll #: 40

Oskort  Eberhard24th September92

Co.: 2

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 41 

Pavoni Josephleft Sick in Spain

Co.: 9 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 42 

Pierini  Giovanni17th September85On DutyPrisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 8 

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 43 

Raush  Christian25th June24th September92On Duty

Co.: 6

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 44 

Ruegg Jacob [?]17th do85Prisoner of War 17th September

Co.: 6

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 45 

Ruff Imerarddo"Colour Serjt  Pris of War 17th September

Co.: 6

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 46 

Scheidek Neponine24th do92at KingstonBand

Co.: 12

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 47

Schneider PhilippX 17th do85at Kingstonat KingstonKilled on the 17th September

Co.: 11

7 Yrs.: 8

Roll #: 48

Schureb Christian[Schwab ?]24th do92in Rl ConfmtOn Duty

Co.: 8

7 Yrs.: 

Roll #: 49

Sixt  Jacob

Co.: 2

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 50 

Story  Joseph[Storg ?]Colour Serjt

Co.: 11

7 Yrs.: 

Roll #: 51

Thormuller Jacob

Co.: 5

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 52 

Toyer  AntonInvalid Sent Home

Co.: 5

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 53 

Vignoli Paul92Sick in Rl Hl

Co.: 4

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 54 

Wanetzky Felix

Co.: 8

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 55 

Weidner Louis

Co.: 3

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 56 

Weiss JeanInvalid left in Spain

Co.: 3

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 57 

Weithaler Oswald15th August52Missing on the 15th Augst

Co.: 9

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 58 

Wisser  Jean24th September92

Co.: 10

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 59

Witzall  Joseph

Co.: 5

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 60 

Wolffe  JacobX18th do86Colour Serjt  Died on the 18th September

Co.: 9

7 Yrs.: 9

Roll #: 61

Wurdig WilhelmX24th July50do  Made Serjt Major 25th July

Co.: 7

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 62 

Straub Jacob8th September24th Sept17from Corporal 8th September

Co.: 5

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 63 

Kolloschinsky Philipp25th Augustdo31from Corporal 25th August

Co.: 12

7 Yrs.:

Roll #: 64


8 Cpl. 1 Adam  Ernst 25th June 24th September 92

9 Cpl. 2 Alegretti Dominiq 17th do 85 On Duty Prisoner of War 17th September

4 Cpl. 3 Aliprandi Lorentz 24th do 92

11 Cpl. 1 4 Bachman Rodolph On Duty

7 Cpl. 2 5 Bolling  Philipp to 24 July by PM Stott [?] Invalid Sent Home

6 Cpl. 3 6 Bonning Dominiq Sick in Rl Hl

11 Cpl. 7 Borgofsky Matheus

3 Cpl. 4 8 Bruschetti Jean Invalid Sent Home

1 Cpl. 9 Casal  Pierre ditto

4 Cpl. 5 10 Castagniery Charles On Duty Sick in Rl Hl

6 Cpl. 11 Carl  Jean do On Duty On Duty

2 Cpl. 12 Conrad  David 17th do 85 Prisoner of War 17th September

10 Cpl. 13 Cumbert Francois 15th August 52 do 15th August

3 Cpl. 14 Demichele Joseph 24th September 92 Confd in Rl Hl Confd in Rl Hl

5 Cpl. 15 Dusold  Chretien Invalid left in Spain

7 Cpl. 16 Feldman Samuel 17th do 85 at York Prisoner of War 17th September

2 Cpl. 6 17 Frey  Anton do 85 Sick in Ral Hal Prisoner of War 17th September

3 Cpl. 7 18 Fromet  Alois 24th do 92 do

10 1 Cpl. 8 19 Glocowitz Jean X 15th August 52 Killed on the 15th August

" Cpl. 9 20 Gnudy  Dominiq 24th Septembr 92 Sick in Gl Hl Sick in Quarter

9 Cpl. 21 Golombeifsky Francois 92

7 Cpl. 10 22 Graff  Jean 92 at Kingston On Duty

12 Cpl. 23 Grein  Joseph Prisoner of War

9 Cpl. 24 Haberman Johan 15th August 52 Missing on the 15th August

4 Cpl. 25 Heller  Jean 17th September 85 On Duty Prisoner of War 17th September

10 Cpl. 11 26 Hodoschy Ignace 24th do 92 Sick in Gl Hl Sick in Rl Hl

1 Cpl. 12 27 Kirchner Baltass 92 On Duty On Duty

8 Cpl. 13 28 Kniesel Joseph X 30th July 36 Reduced to Privat 30th of July

7 Cpl. 29 Kolloschinsky Philippo X 24th August 61 Promoted Serjeant 25th August

5 Cpl. 14 30 Lechatschoff Basil 25th June 92 On Duty

12 Cpl. 15 31 Lenwalder Jean 25th June 17th September 85 Prisoner of War 17th September

2 Cpl. 16 32 Leonardt Francs 24th do 92 On Duty

5 Cpl. 33 Loskofsky Jean "

12 Cpl. 17 34 Marquart Jacob 17th do 85 Prisoner of War 17th September

2 Cpl. 35 Meyer  Meynrad 24th do 92 Sick in Quarter at Kingston at Kingston

1 Cpl. 18 36 Morreni Pascal 92 Sick in Ral Hal

2 Cpl. 37 Muller  Gottlieb Sick in Ral Hal On Duty

12 Cpl. 19 38 Paldweg Pierre 17th do 85 Prisoner of War 17th September

11 Cpl. 39 Perpetti Joseph 24th do 92 Sick in Rl Hl Sick in Rl Hl

4 Cpl. 40 Robbin  Leger 92

1 Cpl. 20 41 Roussee Francois at Kingston

9 2 Cpl. 21 42 Schmidt Jacob X 2d July 8 Died on the 2d July

11 Cpl. 22 43 Schmidt Joseph 24th September 92 Sick in Rl Hl

8 Cpl. 44 Schumzinsky Alois

12 Cpl. 45 Simonetti Jean at Kingston at Kingston at Kingston

5 Cpl. 46 Stolzhamer Jean in Confmt

" Cpl. 47 Straub  Jacob X 8th September 7 Sept 75 Promoted Serjeant 8th September

9 Cpl. 23 48 Weber  Jacob 25th June 17th Septembr 85 Sick in Rl Hl at Kingston

3 3 Cpl. 24 49 Wischnofsky Francois X 14th September 82 Deserted 14th September

5 Cpl. 50 Weber  Jean 24th do 92 Sick in Rl Hl Sick in Rl Hl

2 Cpl. 25 51 With Joseph 24th Septembr 92

Drummers and Fifers

9 D&F 1 Begen Joseph # 25th June 24th September 92 at Kingston at Kingston

5 D&F 2 Bramosky Thomas

7 D&F 3 Casti  Joseph Sick in Rl Hl at Kingston

6 D&F 4 Cognati Francs

" D&F 5 Demartini Michel Sick in Rl Hl

12 D&F 6 Doeffle Melchior Invalid ent Home

1 1 D&F 7 Frank  Frederik X 15th August 52 Killed on the 15th August

10 D&F 8 Gaertner Joseph 24th September 92 Prisoner of War

# By [?] Stott from 25 July to 24 Sept No 5180

3 D&F 9 Geuke  Martin 25th June 17th September 85 Prisoner of War 17th September

2 D&F 10 Hoerter Joseph 24th do 92 On Duty On Duty

4 D&F 11 Memmel Jean On Duty

8 D&F 12 Mocatelli Anton

2 D&F 13 Poireau Ignace

1 D&F 14 Pontzi  Francs 92

9 D&F 15 Ricci  Anton

11 D&F 16 Santini  Antoin Prisoner of War

10 2 D&F 17 Sappreko Simon X 7th do 75 Deserted on the 7th September

1 D&F 18 Schellinsky Johan 24th do 92 Prisoner of War

3 D&F 19 Sthal  Johan [!] do

11 D&F 20 Tschudy Pierre

5 5 D&F 21 Weidmann Joseph X 20th August 57 Deserted on the 20th August

12 D&F 22 Kingwater Georg 17th September 85 Prisoner of War 17th September