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"Toasted Ranger, anyone?"

With the Rangers distracted by a spell, Lord Zedd mutated Miss Applebee's pet iguana into the Salaguana. According to Zordon, the beast was a hybrid of an iguana and a mythical salamander, capable of living in and breathing fire. After terrorizing Bulk and Skull upon his birth, Salaguana then appeared on Angel Grove Beach, where he fought the Zack and Billy. His flame breath neutralized by an extinguisher device created by Billy, Salaguana was then assaulted by the Power Blaster. Before the beam could finish him off, Salaguana was quickly enlarged by Lord Zedd. After a brief fight in which he ensnared the Thunder MegaZord with his tongue, Salaguana was destroyed by the Zord's Thunder Saber.

Salaguana later appeared as an illusion generated by Trumpet Top, whose goal was to tire the Rangers out.

Salaguana was later resurrected by Finster to battle the Rangers in the Specter Theater. After fighting them, Salaguana then attended Zedd and Rita's wedding, bringing them a human skull as a wedding gift. Salaguana later took part in the battle royale against the Thunder Zords, where he was again destroyed by the Thunder MegaZord's Saber, this time for good.

Weapons: None



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