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Rita Repulsa (MMPR:TM)

" spent two-thousand years looking for a tub of snot?!"

Rita Repulsa, wife of sorceror Lord Zedd, is a powerful sorceress bent on destroying Zordon of Eltar and conquering the planet Earth. Accompanying Zedd as he attempted to free Ivan Ooze from his hyperlock chamber, Rita mocked Zedd's plan, calling the chamber a stupid egg. However, when Ivan Ooze rose from the chamber, she was immediately taken by him, and left him to destroy the Rangers. Though Ivan was successful in destroying the Command Center and the Rangers' powers, Rita was still angry with him for letting the Rangers go after the Great Power. Ivan quickly silenced her complaining with a blob of ooze, and announced his takeover of the Lunar Palace. After a failed attempt by Zedd to destroy Ivan, Rita was shrunk and trapped within a snowglobe. She was stuck there until Ooze was finally destroyed by the Power Rangers, and emerged to find Goldar - who had betrayed Rita for Ooze - sitting in Zedd's throne.




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