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The Lizzinator

"This is too easy! Fighting all the Power Rangers would be a better challenge for the Lizzinator! I'll be back!"

The Lizzinator was created by Finster to destroy the Power Rangers. Created from supermetals from another galaxy, the Lizzinator was incredibly strong, able to lift even the heaviest of objects. First encountering Jason, the Lizzinator was unphased by the Red Ranger's assaults and easily overpowered him. Bored with Jason, the reptile retreated, saying he would come back when he could face all six Rangers together. When the Lizzinator appeared next, he was met with the full team, and again gave Jason quite a beating, bashing him with huge boulders. The Lizzinator would've finished Jason if Tommy hadn't intervened, distracting the Lizzinator and giving him a rather good pounding. Grown to giant size by Rita, the Lizzinator easily overwhelmed the DragonZord and MegaZord, forcing the Rangers to form the UltraZord, which was able to break through the Lizzinator's metal skin and destroy him in a burst of flame.

Much later, Finster recreated the Lizzinator to help Rito Revolto ambush and destroy the Thunder Zords. The Lizzinator was successful in demolishing the Zords, but was never seen again.

Weapons: None



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