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"What a beautiful day to take a walk through downtown Angel Grove!"

Hatchasaurus was a powerful bird/dinosaur monster created by Rita Repulsa. Hatchasaurus was controlled by a highly intellegent internal computer known as Cardiotron. Zordon told the Power Rangers that to permenantly defeat Hatchasaurus, they had to disable Cardiotron. However, in their first encounter, the Rangers simply defeated the Hatchasaurus, destroying him with the Tyrannosaurus DinoZord's shockwave attack. Unfortunately, Hatchasaurus was quickly reassembled by the Cardiotron. When the Rangers battled Hatchasaurus again, the DragonZord had been weakened by a spell from Rita, and the MegaZord was forced to face Hatchasaurus alone. The Rangers again destroyed Hatchasaurus, this time with the MegaZord's Power Sword, and again Cardiotron resurrected him, this time in a new, horn-covered form. Finally, Jason leapt into Hatchasaurus' mouth and battled Cardiotron inside. He finally destroyed Cardiotron at the same time the DragonZord recovered from Rita's spell. With Cardiotron destroyed, the Rangers formed the UltraZord, which finally destroyed Hatchasaurus for good.

Hatchasaurus was later summoned by the Terror Blossom monster, to keep the Rangers busy long enough for Terror Blossom to germinate his seed pods. Hatchasaurus led a group of Z-Putties against the Rangers, then soon grew to giant size. He was quickly destroyed by the Thunder MegaZord, but Cardiotron began to reassemble him. Before the Rangers could get to Cardiotron, Lord Zedd helped the monster by instantly reassemling Hatchasaurus with his Z-Staff. Hatchasaurus fought the Rangers as best he could, but was finally destroyed by the combined might of the Thunder Saber's finishing attack and the White Tiger Thunderbolt.

Weapons: None



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