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Blue Globbor

"Hey, come back here, Rangers! I'm not through finishing you yet! Master Vile's really gonna be mad at me!"

The Blue Globbor was a highly powerful monster created by Master Vile, whose mission was to capture the Power Rangers for his master. At first attacking Ninjor and kidnapping him, Globbor began to drain the Ninja Master of his energies, enhancing his own strength. Globbor soon returned to Earth and began destroying Angel Grove. When the Rangers fought back with the Shogun MegaZord, Globbor began to drain the Zord of its power. When the Shogun MegaZord was drained, the Rangers switched to the Ninja MegaZord, but Globbor overwhelmed it as well. When Tommy joined the battle with the FalconZord, Globbor was seemingly destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconZord. He quickly rose from the flames, however, and used Ninjor's powers to transform into a new stage, gaining Ninjor's armor and abilities. In this new form, Globbor became linked to Ninjor, and whatever damage was dealt to Globbor harmed Ninjor as well. When the Rangers realized this, they stopped attacking Globbor, allowing him to overpower their Zords and defeat them. When the Rangers fell out of their Zords (which were soon teleported away by Vile), Globbor shrunk back to normal size and tried to drain the Rangers of their powers. Thanks to the Metallic Armor, though, the Rangers were able to foil Globbor's efforts and retreat.

When the Rangers later severed Master Vile's link to the Zeo Crystal, he ordered Globbor to resume his attacks on Angel Grove. Again grown to giant size, Globbor began smashing the city, when the Rangers reappeared, commanding the Ninja and Shogun Zords against him. Globbor then utilized the powers of the Zords to achieve his third and final form, in which he gained four heads (all of which were helmets of the Aquitian Rangers). The Rangers knew that despite Globbor's link with Ninjor, they couldn't hold back forever, and began fighting the gooey beast. Alpha soon discovered that bright sunlight would weaken Globbor, and remotely dissolved the dark clouds Vile had blanketed the sky with. The sunlight weakened Globbor so badly that a single punch from the Ninja MegaZord caused him to lose all the powers he had stolen and revert back to his original form. His powers returned to him, Ninjor broke free from his chains and joined the Zords in battle. Globbor tried to attack again, but was destroyed by the combined might of the Shogun MegaZord's Fire Saber and Ninjor's Battle Mode fireball.

Globbor, in his four-headed Aquitian form, later accompanied Master Vile as he attended Dark Specter's conference on the Cimmerian Planet. Globbor (still in Aquitian Form) was last seen in Zedd and Rita's army in the Vica Galaxy, where he was presumably reduced to a pile of sand from Zordon's energy wave.




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