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Garbage Mouth

"Since I hold the leftover pieces of broken dreams, you can stay here forever, and dream of what might have been!"

Garbage Mouth was created by Finster to recapture Katherine for Zedd and Rita. He ambushed Katherine and the Rangers at the Angel Grove Hospital, and had a flock of Tengas battle the Rangers as he held Kat. She eventually escaped his hold by smashing his foot, then ran into the hospital for shelter. He was then immediately grown to giant size by Rita and Zedd, and faced the Shogun Zords. He tried trapping them within a garbage can, but they easily escaped and formed the Shogun MegaZord. The Zord was completely unharmed by Garbage Mouth's attacks, and destroyed the creature with the Fire Saber.

Garbage Mouth was later selected by Master Vile as one of the five most horrible monsters in the galaxy. Led by Professor Longnose, he attacked the Earth and battled the Aquitian Rangers. Grown to giant size, he fought the Battle Borgs until the Shogun MegaZord destroyed Longnose, at which point Garbage Mouth retreated and hasn't been seen since.




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