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_the latest on master mills_
got pictures of what we now know is our new baby boy! the little kid is nude in all of them... but it tends to be difficult to dress a child that is inside a woman.... check em out here if you want!
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6.13.03hello all my reader... s.... i think. it was sitting around today, thinking about life. and i came to a conclusion about everything... wanna know what it was? well, i was just makin up crap. i wasnt thinking about life. but i did drink some nice cool refreshing vanilla coke today. ¶ charity brumley lives! most of yall probably have no idea who she is, let alone why i would say that. but now you do know that she lives. and her car isnt damaged either. betty needs to learn where the line between humor and disturbing is... ¶ i decided to screw the cgi guestbook. it would be too much of a bother. so im taking the easy way out... PHP!!1 w00t!!e5!!1 it really should be up and running soon enough.

_REMINDER!if you need a website made, or know anyone that is interested in having one built for themselves(and taught how to manage it[ie keep it updated, add or remove graphics... etc])then be sure to email me, or have your friend email me at and well see what we can work out. if you would like to know what i charge, check out my rates page.(click here to see it in the top of the page)

6.12.03well this is pretty much it... cept for the guestbook. but dont worry, it will be up soon enough. and as for the pictures.... the obvious part, is that theyre all the same picture. but wen i have more to put on there, i will fill it out. ¶ if you wanna give me a picture that you dont mind me sticking in there, then send it to me at, and also a little piece of text to go with it if you want. if you dont send text, ill type something up real quick for it. keep it short and sweet please; but dont worry about being too extensive(thats quite contradicting)... what i mean is, keep it brief but if you feel you didnt describe/explain/portray it well enough then say what you think needs to be said.¶ thanks for reading! i hope to see a few pictures be sent in... if i dont, then ill look like an idiot after saying all of this... haha. so please send me a picture or two! for my dignity's sake!

6.10.3i dont have anything to put in the news today. changed the oil in my sisters car... made a huge mess. apparently the brilliant people at honda decided to challenge us with their oil pans... yes, the plug was is on the side. it creates such a lovely oil fountain; and makes the driveway so beautiful. then again, i could have had the common sense to realize that fluid under presssure will in fact fly through the air and, without doubt, miss the drop pan just to make a big mess for me to clean up. needless to say, i awarded the childish car with stern correction. well see how it likes having a pie in one of the cylinders. that oughta teach it.

below are my graphic links. if you prefer to link to affiliates via gif/jpg/png/or bmp, then id appreciate it if youd use one of mine... though its up to you. im not gonna chase you down and file copyright charges against you. so if you want to link to me, but think your site is too pretty for any of my graphic links, then go ahead and do whatever you want. ill be happy just to know that people are linking to my site. hahaha... have fun!

copyright (c)joseph mills 2003. all rights reserved.
please ask for permission before duplicating anything found on this site