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World Civilizations IIWorld Civilizations II 

Mr. Jim Tate


Course Description:  World Civilizations II is the second of a two part sequence.  It covers a broad range of historical topics ranging from the 1500s to the present.  Geographically we will touch all parts of the world including the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas.  The broad scope of this overview course will allow for the study of the numerous governments, economies, religions and cultures that have influenced the world of today.


Course Goals:  The primary goal of this course is for the student to increase his understanding of history both in terms of specific events and in terms of larger movements and trends.  In addition to this goal, it is expected that each student will increase his proficiency in other key academic areas, most notably critical thinking, reading, writing, and research.


Grading:  Students will be graded on many types of assignments.  Assessments will include tests, essays, presentations, homework, web pages, and exams.  Each quarter grade will be determined based on a percentage of the total points that is acquired by each student.  The school grading scale will be used.  Please see the LaSalle student handbook for more details on this scale.  More explanation of this policy and the grading scale will be given to all students in class. 


Assignments:  All assignments must be turned in on the due date.  Incomplete assignments will be considered late until they are completed.  Late assignments will receive a grade reduction of one whole letter grade for each class-day late.  Any assignments that are not completed will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and may result in a failure for the quarter.


Academic Integrity:  It is expected that each student will complete his own work.  Any instance of academic dishonesty will be taken very seriously.  The LaSalle High School Academic Integrity policy will be enforced.  For further explanation of the academic integrity standards please refer to the LaSalle Student Handbook.


Contact Information:  Mr. Tate can be contacted by either phone or email.


            Phone:  215-233-2911 x4205