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**The NWO** The New World Order
***~The new GEW crowd cheers as the new GEW arena looks great. Theres only one part missing to this puzzle...~***

***~Nw0's music hits and out from behind the Titon Tron comes the two NWO members. They walk down half the ramp and do HBK's and Kevin's taunt at the same time and make the crowd cheer until they can't anymore. The two men look around the crowd (both wearing New World Order shirts and baggy pants) to see how many people really do love the NW0. HBK walks over to his left and slams everyones hands, same fore Kevin Nash, except for on the right side. They then make their ways to the ring and again taunt the crowd. Then they look over to the guys next to King and JR and tell them to hand them a microphone. They wait until the crowd quiets down before they begin to talk...~***

***~((Nw0 Member))*KeviNash*~ Hello fellow GEW lovers. This is a fed I am very proud to be in. I also hear Vince may be having an event this week. I dunno who its against yet, but whoever it is better get ahold of themselves and put up a damn good fight. I know that when your the NWO, kicking ass is fun, not hard. So I got a little suggestion for everybody, come with us. Cuz if you don't, your either with us or against us! Now I hope this person he does put me up against is willing to face me, even he knows he's gonna get his assed kicked! And the whole reason i'm writing all this shit is because I don't want this match to be just a normal, sinle, 1 fall, no title match. I want this match to something special. Ya, thats right, something a little non~ordinary. Spice it up a knoch. Now, I'm gonna leave this to the owner to decide what match it will be, all the stipulations, etc., cuz I know I'm not the owner. But no matter what the match type is, hardkore, 3 stages of hell, cage, hell in a cell, whatever, and whatever the amount of falls are, or whatever kind of title is on the line, it makes no difference! They're really all the same in my eyes. They're all just the same, because we are on damned team that can kick some major GEW ass!

***~Kevin passes the microphone over to HBK, standing by the right turnbuckle.~***

***~((Nw0 Member))*Shawn Michaels*~ One more warning that Kevin Nash forget to tell the team who's gonna face us..."Don't hunt what you can't kill!"

***~HBK leaves the crowd in pandemonium as he and Kevin Nash walk back up the ramp and backstage. They lurk around for something backstage and it looks like they found it. Before they can get to it they get interupted by Coach.~***

Your either with us, or against us!