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That’s all this is.  An ode to sleepless nights.  For some they come and go—for me it’s a celebrated part of each day of my life.  Sure, there are those who stay up until all hours of the night finishing that creative writing project, or making a futile attempt at solving that last algebra problem.  But for me, it’s only an excuse.  There’s nothing like sitting in a leather reclining chair at 2 a.m., watching the same episode of SNL for the umpteenth time, feeling the cool night air blow in through an opened window.  Of course a certain amount of boredom comes with the territory.  It leaves a lot of time for thinking—not always a good thing.  But it’s when most of my deeper thoughts or ideas come to me.  The night is peaceful, yet that peace can turn to loneliness.  I used to fight it, but now it just works for me.  I’m an insomniac.




North It Is.