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College Essay

He was the smartest person I have ever known, as well as the kindest. He would never leave a question unanswered or a request unmet. He was my Grandfather Edward Taylor.
When he was young his family didn't have much money. Since his mother couldn't afford to feed and clothe him, he was put in an orphanage. His sister saved up the money to adopt him and he finally had a home. He still didn't have very much money, and he had to work from the age of eleven. He didn't stop working, even while he put himself through community college.
Forty years later when I was born you never would have known that my Grandpa had a difficult past. At that time he was the Vice President of the pricing division at Consolidated Freightways. He had climbed the corporate latter and was one of the most highly respected executives at the company. But, it wasn't just his ability to work hard that I respected him for, it was also his personality.
He was generous, kind, loving and respectful. My Grandfather took his past and used it positively. He was a mentor to underprivileged children, an example to his grandchildren, and respectful to everyone he met, regardless of what class they were from. In 2001 he decided to create a scholarship for high school students with financial need. He wanted to use the wealth that he had generated for teenagers that had had a past like his. Unfortunately my Grandpa didn't live to see the five winners of his scholarship, but I know that he would have been so proud to see them walk up to the podium and receive their reward and go off to college.
Grandpa Ed lived every day of his life to the fullest. He worked hard to create a home for my Grandma and then for my mom and uncle. After retiring he worked hard for my school. At age 75 he gave the gift of a college education to five high school students.
Because of him I have the opportunity to become whatever I want to be. He has taught me that you need to work hard at everything you do, and when you do, you can succeed at anything. I am going to be like my Grandfather, I will live each day to the fullest, I will never be selfish, and I will do good things with all of my successes.

Title Page The Quest for Money

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Work themselves out