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IMO News - May Archive

  • 18/05/03 - Have been very busy lately so no more major site developments, or posts, sorry about this. Have decided to add extra section to IMO, concerning work, i.e. GCSE, a/s, A-Level. Where people can send in coursework, revision material, or whatever else you may have.

  • 11/05/03 - Be aware that not all areas of the site are accessible for the time being as I have taken the opportunity to extend and upgrade the site during the coming months (note new DVD and Music sections to come), please bear with me as the progress is slow. That is all.

  • 10/05/03 - 'In my opinion' is currently being relocated, but for the time being will be resident to this crappy host because most importantly its free and I have no money until the 28th - blame Tescos, I know I do. Anywho, with a generous chunk of lady luck the site should be permanently relocated in its new home by the beginning of july (most likely domain to be in the meantime I shall try to update the site whenever I can, even though I ought to be revising for my A-levels, but really I cant be bothered...this is much more fun.

  • 06/05/03 - Today I made a decision, a very stupid one, I decided -bless me- that it was not a suicidally bad idea to buy the new Zelda game (Wind Waker) a month before my A-levels. Personally I blame my sister who's birthday caused me to visit town, and confidence who's pronouncement that he had procured a copy , inspired a burning jealousy that could only be quenched by copious amounts of the cell-shaded delight that is Zelda: The Wind Waker. End.

  • 05/05/03 - Recently downloaded this fantastic song from thelbsc 'If I had a million res towers' by the [FFT] Allstars, a classic for all NS fans, like moi!