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This is the official site for people who hate Fortin.

Hello my name is Chris Moreno and I hate Kris Fortin. As a matter of fact alot of us hate Kris Fortin. Kris Fortin IS the axis of evil.
Forget Iraq. Fuck North Korea, Fortin is the disgrace of all mankind. I believe when God created earth he accidentally tripped over some radiation and spit up some saliva.
This in turn caused a chemical reaction that to this very day, had not been explained. What I believe is that some how this saliva caused an acidic reaction causing it to deform a batch of cells. Due to the mutated DNA this batch of cells had, it in turn created one of the most hideous Monsters ever to be created. KRIS FORTIN.
To this day scientists have struggled to actually explain Kris Fortin. What is known is that he lives on Curtis Street in Alhambra California. It is the house with the basketball rim on it. Feel free to travel to this magnificent site and wander at the marvel that is KRIS FORTIN.

Here is a list of people who hate Kris Fortin, even though we all hate Kris Fortin, these are the people that hate him the most.
Ryan "Julio Fantastico" Beckstein
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