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IE Developer
Terra Lycos
 About Us   How it works   Login    Sign Up 

______First off welcome and thank you for visting us here at IE Developer we would like to tell you a little about ourselves.
______IE Developer was created by John Powell for an alternate to the expense and time of a web designer. We are focused on helping you design the perfect web site for you or your company.
This is how it works if you are not a member click Sign Up. Pick a user name and password. Then choose which Items you want. It will look like this.

  • HTML Tutorial ____..................... $15
  • Beginning Developer __................. $ 20
  • Intermediate Developer _............... $ 25
  • Expert Developer ___.....................$ 30
Standard Sign up ___
Select All _________

___The HTML Tutorial is a very easy to learn online tutorial for HTML 4.0
___Beginning Developer is a web site developer for the person without any HTML knowledge. All you need to have is very simple word processing skills to achieve high quality web sites (Recomended for personal sites)
__Intermediate Developer is quite simply the best because you get a combination of both beginner and Expert Developer. You can freehand your code in or you can type what you want and then convert it to HTML. You also have plenty of great resources on the same page.
Standard Membership is a small monthly fee that includes an email full of tips, 20 megabytes of webspace, a 2 gig bandwidth, and a sub-domain.
__Select All gets you everything for a fraction of the cost. Also gives you access to all other tutorials for free as they come out.
__With all these options it would be extremely simple to design and maintain a web site.
After all that still have some questions read the FAQ below or
E-mail Us.

Sign Up

Click the button below to sign up for IE Developer and experience the best in affordable web design for you or you company. Have some questions please E-mail us