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What You Mean To Me

To: Christina (Bugs)

Just to let you know you mean everything to me, I still get butterflies in my stomach from you, I miss you every moment of the day. Ever since I met you I have felt the same way about you. "You Are My Everything" I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Sometimes I would treat you like shit because I guess I take you for granted. You honestly don't know what you have lost until you have actually lost it, and I don't want to loose you. I love having someone to care about me and listen to me and hold me, and sometimes I don't do all that for you cause I guess I think about what I want instead of want You want. I should try to make us both happy instead of just me. To tell you the truth sometimes I do so stupid things because I don't think about things before I say or do them. I should have got something for your mom this time since you told me that I should and I should have called those places like you asked but lately I've been acting like a jerk, I'm sorry and there is no excuse for it. When you tell me what wrong or why your mad at me or what I did wrong I should take it as advice instead of criticism because you want the best for me because you love me, so instead of fighting back when your telling me this stuff I should listen and try to change what ever is bothering you instead of turning it into a bigger fight. I'm sorry for the way I treat you sometimes, I've never been in a serious relationship like this so I'm learning. If you could understand that it's my first time for a relationship like this and that sometimes the way I treat you, I may not know any better. I'm not trying to make excuses about how bad I treat you sometimes it would just be nice if you would kind of understand what its like for me. I agree that our relationship is going down the drain unless we do something about it. We both got to learn not to purposely get under each others skin, I admit I do it on purpose a lot and I'm pretty sure you don't do it by accident. I think we both have to try to understand what it is like to be in the other persons shoes and how they feel. We also have to try to be fair to each other. I think that you have to learn to trust me when I go out with my friends, I'm not saying to totally trust me when I go out because I know that no one can totally trust another person but you have to try to not get pissed off and start making me feel bad about me cheating on you with another person cause when ever that happens we get in a huge fight over it. I'm not saying to not worry about what I'm doing. I'm just saying you need to lighten up on what you say I can and cant do. I am willing to change or at least try to change anything that bothers you about me, and you should be willing too. Instead of starting a fight about how we piss each other off we should talk about how we can change that so we don't get into a fight over it. I want you to let me know what's been bothering you and I will try my best to change it. well I think that's all I have to say so I hope you forgive me for how I have been treating you lately and I'm sorry again. I Love You.


Love: Andrew XOXO


(I wrote everything out because I knew if I called you I would forget some stuff)

Call me when you've read this.