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The bombing of Hiroshima was not only a locally affecting thing, but also affected other countries and the way we humans think about war. Of course this carnage could barely be graced by naming it war, but the thing brought bomb warfare even closer than any other single happening could have.

Local Effects

The bombing of Hiroshima was the cause of the end of WWII. It was a decisive move that clinched it in the favor of the Allies like a final checkmating move in a chess game.

The bombing of Hiroshima killed and injured a lot of people, but not many people these days know what kind of individual pain it inflicted.

This is an example of the damage done by the bomb.

One anoymous survivor told of how she was in school when the bomb hit. One minute she was sitting in her class room-and the next thing she knew, she was flat on the ground, far from the people who had been in the classroom. Her clothes had been burned off all except for her underware, only because it was white unlike the blue of the rest of her clothes. Her whole body was very severely burnt. Her hands swelled to twice the natural size.

The victim in the above writing was actually one of the few lucky people. Many were either incinerated or were "cooked" like a marshmallow that has burst into flames, they lived in agony until death finally found them.