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M.O.M.S. (Mothers of Military Servicemen)  

& Gwinnett County Hometown Heroes Fund



            The Gwinnett Hometown Heroes Fund has been created to raise money and donated items to help support the U.S. Military Service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. This support will primarily take the form of monthly “care packages” sent directly to individuals we identify who were activated from Gwinnett County. We also hope to be able to assist the families of these activated Gwinnett County residents financially, as we identify the need and have funds available. Mothers of Military Servicemen is an organization created to offer support to the parents of active duty servicemen, more specifically the soldiers stationed in Iraq, Kuwait, and other locations related to the current conflict with terrorism. Recently, Hometown Heroes and M.O.M.S. have come together to create a joint organization.  

            One of the ways we will be raising money is through the sale of the CD titled “America, The Light of the World”. This CD was written and recorded by Forrest “Frosty” Lawson of Haskell, New Jersey. Mr. Lawson has made this CD available to organizations such as ours for fundraising efforts in support of the troops. The CD’s are available for a minimum donation of $10.00 each. Of the $10.00, $8.00 goes directly to the Fund, and $2.00 goes to the manufacture and shipping of the CD. As Mr. Lawson is offering the CD individually, we are unable at this time to have the CD available for point of purchase sale. We are taking orders for the CD, and anticipate that all the CD’s will be delivered within 30 days of the order. The Gwinnett Hometown Heroes Fund, and the CEO of the Fund, Sgt. Jon Martin of the Gwinnett County Police Department guarantee delivery.

            Please help us in our efforts to support the troops overseas and their families here in Gwinnett County. Place your order today for this wonderfully moving song! Pre-paid orders may be placed through Dr. Fish’ office, or through our Post Office Box, as listed at the top of this letter.

            If you would prefer to help our effort through a donation of goods to be sent to the troops, please feel free to contact me at the below listed number, or to drop the items off with Dr. Fish for pickup.


Thank You for Your Help,

Sgt. Jon Martin



            This web site was designed to keep people informed of our activities and hopefully have more people assist in our attempt to support America's troops. The links below show various forms of publicity we have received and a continuously updated schedule of our upcoming activities.    


This is the Article of Association for Hometown Heroes

Mothers of Military Serviceman's news paper article




For any Questions or comments about our organization or to become a member you may reach us by E-Mail at: