BJ's Hellsale Club
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Dearest Martha, Regis, and Bobby,
I must say i find your site more than just a tad offensive, but also enlightening. Not only have you shed some light on the products you sell (i.e. babies in the meat), but you have also showed the people who work at your roach infested store to be lazy, apathetic fools, who could care less about their own slogan, "Members first."

I do not understand why the people on your site keep on complaining about the members. Perhaps these cashiers and FLS should take a look at themselves. Slow, uncaring and cold customer service make for a disheartening experience at your store. Weird looking cashiers cuss freely in front of our children, complaining about "that bitch ************," or that "gay ass dick head ***********." I was shocked after returing home from a vigorous day at work to find my children playing a new game called "Bj's cashier," in which they threw their toys on the toy register, cussed about "asshole members" and said thing about wanting to "get it on with that fine ass guy who works at the tire bay."

My wife and i were disgusted about our childrens behavior and sickened by the fact that most of this off-color cashier behavior goes unnoticed by the FLS, who, are normally on the company phone talking to their husbands or boyfriends, gossiping with the girls at the membership services, or outside on a "smoke break."

Thank you for hearing my complaints. Please e-mail me at for any questions or comments you might have about my story.

Hubert Terwillager