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Well hey dude, don't you hate it when when people are like "dude dude dude". I myself say dude a lot, usually to piss people off. I would like to know where the of origins of dude came from. Im am going to guess, maybe a president was making a speach and stuttered, and he went "I want to bomb the shit out da, da, dude, I mean Iraq!" Holly shit im on the phone, and Jamie just told me what the origins of dude are, a DUDE is a Hoarse penis!!!!!! Wow that's awesome, now im defiantly gonna say "hoarse cock" instead of dude!




Killing Beavers

This idea was inspired from pothead. Wow, I love to be random, so that is why I am writing about beavers. I bet you are evil and you don't know it! If you make cookies at your home you are hurting the Beavers! I honestly don't know why, but you are. You must feel horrible, those poor buck-tooth dumb asses cut down your trees, and dam up the woods making swamps for our children to get lost in!





I am going to do an auto biography for this young fellow. "Yo yo, I be Da Jimmy, and me and my boyz are tough. We act like we live on the streets, and we own a few rap records, so we are now officially are cool. We boyz can beat up nerds, the weak, and the vulnerable. I think I have this kid named dave in my control, but im scared, because I found out that dave isn't really week" Declaimer - if Jimmy is reading this, I am not looking for a fight, I am only telling the partial truth, the real truth is worse ;)

