!!!W e l c o m e!!!


Baby Neopets!

My Guild!

Some HTML help!

Simple Userlookups

Welcome To my web page, well in here theres, baby neopets you can look at, my awesome guild;), some html help and just some userlookups!

Baby neopets- I put the baby neopets up in my page because i really love baby neopets, I really think that their so cute! I have two of my own and I think that their cute also!

My guild- I put my guild up in my page because I would love that everyone would see the guild i'm in because I really like it because i have friends in that guild and its fun!

Html help- I put it up incase some people don't know much about it and I just put some html stuff that i wanted to put up, but if you want more stuff than just go to the neopets html guide:)

userlookups- Well theres only three but I like them and I think their cool you guys should all try them there might be more up there after a while but so far only 3!


I really really love to play sports my favorite sports are: volleyball, basketball, badminton and track. I think their really fun! I have a volleyball net and a volleyball, a basketball net and a basketball, badminton rackets and birdies lol and I live by the track we go to but i never go there and practice! i also have a trampoline, bike, rollerblades and scooter.

My favorite season is summer becaue its nice and hot, you can go to the beach, go swimming, tan, wear light clothes like shorts lol and because my birthday is in the summer!!

I have a lot of interests like sports, being outside and doing whatever, hanging out with my friends and just doing whatever, my favorite color is blue and i also like the rainbow colors!

Well I have been on neopets for 13 months and I really like it, I have changed neopets a lot. When I first got neopets i had a green quiggle, blue shoyru, blue moehog and a blue kacheek than I did change them a lot and now I have a rainbow quiggle, baby lupe, christmas bruce and a baby gelert. If you would like to talk to me on neopets neomail me my add is glitter_2!

Well Hope you like my web page and yes I will be changing a lot of things and adding more things so be patient! lol anyway bye!

Other Linkies:)


Coltzan's Shrine

Fruit Machine

Wheel Of Excitement

Healing Springs

Hidden Tower

Scratchcard Kiosk

Money Tree

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