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Greg & Michelle's Wedding


Today I Marry My Best Friend (Poem)

On this day....
On this day I give you my hand,
With that, my heart.
Today, I pledge to you my love, my life,
And my soul.

Today, I enter our marriage not only with hope but
With gratitude for the unconditional love and
Commitment you have shown me and thus allowing
My trust and love for you to grow more and more each day.

The GOD of our understanding has guided us through the test of time.
Today, HE has gives us each other to share the joy, the pain, the struggles,
and the successes That lie ahead.

I welcome your experience as my own
and will take the burden with every opportunity HE allows.
In you I find someone I choose to put before myself,
For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.

Right there is the greatest gift that GOD has given me,
The ability to love and care for someone unconditionally the Way I do you.
You complete me.
Your example teaches me about the person I strive to be more and more like With everyday I am alive.
That is yet, another gift. GOD gave me you, one whom I admire and The one who inspires me.
I realize that the foundation of our commitment lies in friendship.
Unveil your soul and share with me your secrets, your Dreams,
your fantasies, your tender insecurities and your fears.
Today, they have found their safe haven in my heart.

Today, I give you my hand, with that my heart.
Today, I surrender to you, please lead me to your soul.
From this day forward, every ounce of your being is experienced by me.
Today, I marry my best friend.

© 2003 Gregory Billings