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Grace Renewed

Grace at Worship

Christian Education

Serving Grace

Serving the Community

The Wardens and Vestry of Grace Church are approaching the change in clergy at our church as an opportunity to invigorate the congregation.  We have been through a lot this past year.  There was the disruption caused by our building and renovation project, now successfully concluded. The retirement of our beloved pastor after 18 years of faithful service has posed psychological and spiritual changes, as well as changes in the roles of the laity.  Change is never easy, but we recognize that it is one of the “constants” in life.

We have been very fortunate to be led by a superb interim rector who has helped in many ways, including the reorganization of our administration, but at the same time has kept us focused on our real mission–to serve the Lord.  We will miss her but we have known all along her time here is temporary.

The new rector will have many challenges in addition to the central task of getting to know a whole new set of communicants, a new geography, and possibly a new culture.  Grace Church counts some 150 members in good standing, has an average total Sunday attendance of 120 at one said and one sung service, and 95 pledging units.  The church staff includes an office manager and a director of Christian Education/Campus Ministry who are full-time, a sexton who lives in an apartment in the former rectory, and choir director and organist who are part-time.  Several staff are relatively new and a search is underway to fill the Christian Education/Campus Ministry position which is currently vacant.  The daunting task of keeping our parish together is made easier by all the strong, active involvement of so many parishioners.  We are eager to move on, so there will be a strong support mechanism in place.

 -Senior Warden-  

Muncie Community

Church History

Indianapolis Diocese


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