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Welcome to the Images webpage.

This site is all about me, my accomplisments and other things I would like to share with the general populance. I spent a lot of time studying thru reading and surfing the web. I would like to share the collective knowledge and experiences I've gained throught the years.

N E W S....

(Des.12,2003) I added a new section in my Japan Page called the INFORMATION SECTION.

(Dec.06,2003) I just finished the 'KANAGAWA' section of the Japan page. Now I can concentrate on finishing the 'TOKYO' section. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

(Dec.02,2003) I've added a few things in the 'places' section of my Japan page. I also put in some new cars in the 'CAR GALLERY'. Please help me identify some of the cars.

(Nov.23,2003) It's 12am and I'm still writing reviews about some of the J-pop artists I listen to. Please check them out at the THOUGHTS section.

(Nov.14,2003) I've added a new section to the site called 'Noel's Japan Page'. A little trivia; the kanji means 'Noeru no Nihon pe-ji'. The kanji of my name was given by my supervisor and it means 'stopped drinking from the delta' (...???). He said it implies that someone stopped drinking sake or bi-ru (beer). Maybe so. I don't drink water from a delta, I could get diarrhea.

(Nov.11,2003) It's been a month since my last update. I changed the layout again because I'm getting bored here in Japan. I can't go out coz all things are expensive and I don't have the flash for cash for anything. I hope to finish the revamp of the site before I return to my beloved country. Anyway, now it's 14 degress here. I can even see my breath. COOL. (literally)

(Oct.11,2003) About 2 months ago, I attended a reunion with my college classmates and I met a friend of mine, Philip, at the gathering. He mentioned he was working on an X-men title. Then, while i was chatting with another classmate two weeks ago, he mentioned Philip was featured on a Leisure magazine in the Philippines. I only remembered it now then I checked with the Marvel site for details. Cooool!!!! I'm glad his dreams came true. Anyway, check out the thing we did when we were in college. It's in the GRAPHICS section.

(Oct.6,2003 Update): Added another gallery for my Pictures section. Please don't forget to sign my guestbook...

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