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Sunday, May 18th, 2003 "Nobody outdoes me kid!"

7:00 PM

   WOWSERS. Busy yet AGAIN So I'm going to do the summary thing like I did last post

 Math A Regents: Paaaaaaaaaassed. Teacher says I got in the high 80's low 90's.

Dashboard Confessional: Wow. It was amazing. let me just copy and paste my post on the dashboard site.

Author: EmoErick Online NowSend EmoErick A Two-Way PageEmoErick's ProfileView EmoErick's PageSend EmoErick An AOL Instant Message    Status Index: 98.50 Reply To This Message Delete Topic And All Comments

The Show @ Village Underground
Friday 11:13 pm PST
Got back a little while ago. Amazin show, I loved it. I loved it more than when I saw DC with Ash and HRC. If anyone was there, I was being extremely voicetrous. My comments were

1) Chris was sort of stuttering and at a loss for words said "This song is.... is.." and i screamed out "AMAZING!" and he's like "Right! Its Amazing

2) I dont know how, but Chris was discussing soemthing that was apparently "Crap" so I just belted out "YEAH CRAP!!!"

3) Someone told chris to drink water and he sort of shrugged and did it. I yelled out "YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE THAT %*$! CHRIS!" and he's like "That wasn't really too much of %*$!, actually I thought it was kind of nice." with my reply of "You drink when you want to!"

Very random comments but I was in a good mood so I couldn't be contained.

 The Matrix 2: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww! Gross!!! GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!

General Life: Busy yet empty.

Current Mood: Exhausted

Current Music: Dashboard Confessional - "For Justin"

S.O.C.O.M. Ranking: 20682  (

Erick V.S. Lauren G-Unit Score: Erick 0 - Lauren 0




Monday, May 12th, 2003 "How can you sleep at night?"

12:49 AM

    In the past 5 days, an assload has happened and I don't know why, but I want to write really bad and I can't find the words to do it, so I think I'll summarize.


Speedball Tournament:  I told Coach Dantuano I wasn't going to play because my team backed out but he told me to come anyway and he put me on a team. It just happened to be a team with Theo, Scars, and more. We won with I think it was 8 Wins and 0 Loses. I correct myself when I said school activities couldn't be fun, but I don't think any of them were as fun as this.

Burn on my chin: Ask me about it.

Dashboard Confessional: This friday is Dashboard and John is coming in, wooooohoo!

Single Life: I miss having someone I really care about to share shit with. Damn emo kid, damn.

Briarcliffe:  The Briarcliffe meeting went so amazingly. I really enjoyed the meeting, the counselor was super nice and informative. I really hope everything goes well enough for me to go there

Prom: Muy expensivo and I really need to start finding some income for it. Parents worried about me taking ali. Probably no where near as nervous as ali's parents are.

SOCOM: I'm your daddy.

Music Scene: Jack squat! What in the world! Time to get back on my horse isn't it?

Driving: Making appointment tomorrow to retake my test. I'm passing this time, if I have to stab the chubby bastard.


That is All! Except....

Isn't ali cute when she's trying to do the "look at me I'm so hot" face?


Current Mood: Lonely

Current Music: Silverchair - Emotion Sickness

S.O.C.O.M. Ranking: 20682  (

Erick V.S. Lauren G-Unit Score: Erick 0 - Lauren 0



Thursday, May 8h, 2003 "If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?"

2:00 AM

    Ahhh stress, how I know thee, let me count the ways... 6... For the bullets in my chamber. 1 for how many it will take to get me relaxed. (Sounds like the beginning of an emo song I'd prolly like). No new news really. Tonight night is my Briarcliffe meeting (hope hope). I most likely won't be playing in the speedball tournament friday night. The kid I was going to make the team with went and died.  (broke his arm and collarbone but just as well, asshole.) Nora comes back this weekend! Very psyched. I was a lot more stressed earlier but I'm @ the party right now. (IM lynkdead1001 if you ever want to know what that means.) I think I'll update more tomorrow, I'm currently shot.


Current Mood: Wasted

Current Music: Pixies - Where is My Mind?

S.O.C.O.M. Ranking: 21044  (

Erick V.S. Lauren G-Unit Score: Erick 2 - Lauren 0


Tuesday, May 6th, 2003 "You make me happy, when skies are gray"

11:15 PM

    Mellowed out today, started to just sit down in the dark with my headphones. Strangely Zen like if you ask me. I cooled out with my favorite substance (wink wink) for a little while. Definitely helped things.

    I started to listen to Bright Eyes a bunch today and it feels good to listen to a very different mode of music and still get just as much as I do from either emo or metal.
I was helping Ali with her English paper and it felt good to write again. I haven't done it in a while but it's because I feel if I'm going to start doing it again, I'm going to do it right.


Current Mood: Unbalanced

Current Music: Bright Eyes - The Calendar Hung Itself

S.O.C.O.M. Ranking: 21369 (

Erick V.S. Lauren G-Unit Score: Erick 2 - Lauren 0



Monday, May 5th, 2003 "As soon as you've got it, you want something else."

7:30 PM

     A lot has happened since the last post but I'll sort of summarize my sentiment. Not to brag because that isn't in me to do (a lot), but I feel as if I've learned my life lessons really fast and gained a truly vast amount of knowledge. In many cases I enjoy sharing said knowledge with my friends when it comes in handy. But in the past few days, watching a few friends completely disregard what they know was the right thing, I've come to realize that 95% of the population asks for advice for attention, I would know, because I tend to do it instinctively myself. I'm going to stop giving advice. 
      I honestly think I have the best of luck. I swear of it. Kelly is now telling me that Ms Mannino told Mr. Baum I didn't do my term paper which is a hunk shit because I stayed after with her for hours upon hours to get it done and she's well aware of it. I just honestly can't take people.
    I got a phone call stating that I was looked at for a casting call for a show called "Switched" on ABC Family. Your typical switch lives television show. I guess my life is so completely opposite from everyone else's that I've become the perfect candidate. Anyways I have to go into the city sometime in the next month and make a fool of myself. I also have to take pictures and record a video.

    I think I'm going to relax  a bit. I came home early from school today, sickly.  I'm going to try and ease a little of my nerves.

Current Mood: Frustrated

Current Music: Thrice - To Awake and Avenge the Dead

S.O.C.O.M. Ranking: 24441

Erick V.S. Lauren G-Unit Score: Erick 1 - Lauren 0



Sunday, April 27th, 2003 "Dig a tunnel to the center of the Universe"

4:01 AM

    Just a quick thought before I go into what I want to. I was always against these sort of livejournal type things, because well I was always against journals. I think people keep journals so people can find them. A very strange glance into human behavior.  

    With that said, the update on Erick O's life. I finally found someone to take to the finch show, I couldn't believe it didn't hit me sooner. So me and Rachel are going to go, mother permitting. I'm also going with Lee who is my little savior. I really wish John was going, but our family is a bunch of vicious animal from which there will be no educating them. It's ok because I didn't realize how damn close dashboard really is. Tonight I was talking to Jess and discussing prom and its just so goddamn expensive. Let's do the math:

$300 for limo (at most?)
$55 for Boat tickets afterwards
Tuxedo (Unknown)
Flowers (Unknown)
Minus the price of my soul (-$2)


    Ahh!!! I think I'll marry a rich gay man and take all this money when I kill him for the life insurance. (Fuck that, if women can do it, so can I).  

    Yesterday was so much fun my balls hurt. We and deguise went and visited Teddie who i just adore. We went and got her ears stretched.... I'll repeat that one more time just to show how little there is to do in Seacliffe, we went, made 2 holes in Teddie's head, BIGGER.... for fun.... AND SHE PAID FOR IT. Teddie if you're reading this, we're just going to go q-zar next time. We usually tend not to get jabbed with metal objects. I also found out she didn't get kicked out of her house, what in the world? You would think thats a mistake one wouldn't make during a conversation . Actually, not one conversations with her, several, reassuring the fact that she didn't have a house to stay in! I stayed in today and slept, a lot. I used to do that when I got depressed a lot. I would just stay home, have the tv on in the backround and have my headphones on and sort of just explore my head, most of the time more than I should've. I think the years I spent secluded from people made it easier to deal with them. Well, I'm the erick o show, and that's news to me.

Current Mood: Contemplative
Current Music: Fiona Apple - Never is a Promise


Saturday, April 26th, 2003 "Dig a tunnel to the center of the Universe"

12:32 PM

    What a way to start the day. I wake up to a package, which is my cousin's money to buy a bus ticket for him to come in and see Finch with me. Of course my Grandmother fucks it up (She was supposed to get the ticket.) Whose surprised there? My family made a mistake? Gee golly never. She won't own up to it, doesn't matter, her sister (my aunt) covered her back by saying my cousin is still sick, which I don't know is true or not. Either way its embittering. I now have no one to go to the finch show with. Grr. This all happened about half an hour ago and I can still hear my Grandmother in the kitchen ranting. I can see where my mother gets her lack of logic from.   

    Its raining infuckingsanely , the sort rain you only see in movies, and Commack apparently. Just sort of sitting here thinking stupid things over and I think I'm going to stop smoking the bad stuff. Its not something I should be making a habit of.  I've been thinking over a conversation I had with Krysta the other night and I didn't realize how strange my "love life is" and or has been. For the longest time I just haven't really wanted one. But when it's here it's amazing. But I want a specific kind of love life. See, I don't drool over the hot girls in school or the one bearing all the skin they can without giving Mr. Vale a heart attack. I dig the subtle girl. The one who is outrageously beautiful because she convinced you she is, in the way she does things and reacts. There's this girl I'll call  Jamie because of identity reasons, but I think she's just amazingly beauitful when she smiles. I don't know why, her smile has a whole like, stage of movement when she smiles and I swear to god I love seeing it. I will tell you she's a senior because I also want to express how much I'm going to miss her when High School is over. 

    God, High School is almost over isn't it? I'll be completely honest, I want the actual high school process to end ASAP, but some of the people I've met in the past two years alone are just so amazing and I'm going to miss it, intensely. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I should be doing things differently, taking the chances the I wouldn't have taken before. But, in reality, I think that's the type of behavior we only see in movies and television shows. Hopefully I'll grow some balls in the situation.

(PS: I don't want to date Jamie, but her smile is intoxicating) 

Current Mood: Very Emo
Current Music: "Hands Down" - Dashboard Confessional

Friday, April 25, 2003 "Negative"

12:25 AM

    Woke up late again, strange. I had a revelation while I was sitting here setting up the next web page update. I realized what I found as a really big turn off in a girl. If I may not be exactly "seeing" her officially, but she hangs out with guys who she is aware is bad for her and doesn't take advice when you tell her to stay away. It goes to show if she doesn't have the listening and logic to get herself out of a situation before she's even in it she must be quite the handful when you need to listen in a relationship. Huge turn off. There's this girl who I started to try and get to know a little bit but she has this quality so forget it. I've been getting heat for being fickle with my whole profile thing but nobody is perfect and I don't expect everyone to meet those standards to a tee. That would be boring there needs to be a little bit of a rough edge to everyone's relationship. But I just as for logic and reasoning and a lot of girls I like tend to not have it so this may be a reason I wouldn't ask them out or even want to date in the first place. 

Current Mood: Tired

Current Music: My Chemical Romance - "Vampires Will Never Hurt You"


12:49 AM

    Put the new list up. follow the directions punk ass.


Tuesday, April 22, 2003 "Jade Aids" 

6:49 PM

    Hello hello. This is the first day I'm entering anything on this web page I made out of randomness. The real motivation behind it was to make a site continuing my profile, and I'm against live journal so I figure I just use my oh so amazing web page skills to make this. Let me sum up how last night went. I went to see The Used last night with Kelly which I have to say wound up being pure comedy. The used never played (bwahaha, hate them). My Chemical Romance was amazing. The first band that played was Story of the Year and I like them more than ever now.  Kelly got an autograph from Adam, needless to say, she wet her pants. Tonight I might hang out with Teddie, not sure yet. Finch is Monday, party in the city where the heat is on! But it got moved to the Vanderbilt, which I hate more than Sports Plus, but oh well. It should be good.  For anyone interested, I'm doing the Emo Girls Gone Wild casting at the Goldfinger show on May 1st at the Vanderbilt, which should be a hootenanny. (Spell check made me spell it correctly.) Hmm... I think that's about it. Poop!

Current Mood: Adventurous
Current Music: Story of the Year - "Until The Day I Die"