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Welcome To the free HTML website!
You may only order one graphic per week!
No saying that you made the graphic because we took the time and effort to make it!
You MUST, MUST link back to us!

First of all, you need to know what HTML stands for-HyperText Markup Language. What we do here is you e-mail one of our staff members with what html product you would like and describe it as well as you can so we can customize it, and say when our deadline is, and say your username, and aim sn if you have one! Every month if you already know html you may send Demi your best work and at the end of the month I will pick the best art I got that month at put it on the wall of greatness. If you don't know what the wall of greatness is, it's a website attached to mine where I put the artwork that I think is out standing and put it up along with the html code for people to us and it will remain there FOREVER AND EVER!Curently, since the website is new, and we want our customers to be more involved, we are having two, yes two more contests. They are the banner contest and backround contest. Send in your best banner you can make for the website or best backround for the website and it will always be on the front page and the banner will be the link back! So hurry and get moving! Just remember the rules!

Free Html Council: