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I am 20 years old. I am living with my friends, Tye, Robert, and Jeremy, and I work full time. I graduated high school two years ago and moved out of my parents house right after I graduated. I took a year off from college, and when I went back I only took two courses. I am not going to school now because I don't know what I want to do with my life. Right now I am living in the same town that I have for my whole life, and I am hoping to get out as soon as possible. Lately, you can either find me at my job, hanging out with Nate, or hanging out with any of my other friends. <3

~Random Webcam Pictures~
*Senior Pictures of Dusty*
~A night out on the town~
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*~My Livejournal~*
~*~My Ujournal~*~
