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As of this date, the all new Focus pencil has finally been released on the North American market. Such a pencil has never been created before and allows 12-16 year olds to love life. By having the Focus pencil, they will rise to a new level and be appreciated more by their peers, co-workers and friends. The Focus pencil has the ability to open their eyes and make them understand and fully interpret the simple things in life. With the Focus pencil, teens will be satisfied and will make everyone around them feel better!

- President of Igneous Inc.


Has the Focus pencil changed your way of thinking?

Yes, definitely!
No, not yet!

Current Results

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The Pencil Itself
The Focus pencil itself is very light in terms of weight to allow easy maneuverability. Writing with Focus is also very simple since the individual must be comfortable with it. 
Special Abilities
When one uses the all new Focus pencil, they will become more popular within their demographic group since Focus is strategically marketed to promote a sense of desire among the target audience. 
Once one has the pencil...
Once an individual from the demographic group of 12-16 years has a genuine Focus pencil, they receive a new perspective about life - their senses are enlightened, making them more connected to the world around them in a spiritual sense.