x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: hey bitch
Blizzard the Dj: hey fag
Blizzard the Dj: dont call me a fag u fag
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: stfu you dirty cockmaster
Blizzard the Dj: o yea well i fucked your sister
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: i dont have bitch
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: i win!
Blizzard the Dj: no i win because ur a fudge packer
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: stfu ur mom is
Blizzard the Dj: my mom doesnt have a dick like urs
Blizzard the Dj: my mom doesnt have a dick
Blizzard the Dj: and anyway how would u no if she did
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: ummmm...
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: give me a minute
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: w/e
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: stfu u stupid faggoty queef
Blizzard the Dj: pssh ur dad
Blizzard the Dj: fuck fag ass dick munching donkey raping shit eater cum guzzling beastiality prostituting cum rag
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: o is that what you think?
Blizzard the Dj: its what i know
Blizzard the Dj: well lets just agree ur dad has sex with chipmunks, ok?
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: stfu
x Ag3n7 Or4ng3 x: ur dad does
Blizzard the Dj: w/e im out bitch
Blizzard the Dj signed off at 9:42:03 PM.