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Lost In A Memory

        By FayesEmeraldEyes

        Rated: PG-13


"You know Spike... I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after and changed my ideas. They've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind-" With a pause Vicious's eyes become ice cold. With a glare at Spike, he continues, while shoving his katanna closer towards Faye's slender body. "-Do you see it more now? To think, we had always imagined I'd be your death but how odd things play out, isn't it Spike? I told you she never loved you. It was me her heart burned for." Julia, stepping a bit closer towards Vicious, brought back her knife from its hold on Spikes back. "It always has been Vicious, and it always will be." Julia's coy voice was enough to make a person want to tear off its own ears. The pain from her words, hurt Spike more then the indention's from the knife, that had once been penetrating its edge into his back. Faye noticed his pain and struggled to pry herself away from Vicious's grasp. "You bitch! Take it back, can't you see it's killing him!!" With each angry word, five fingers applied more pressure into her arm, the katanna digging tighter into her flesh helping Faye let out a whimper. Spike hung his head low, afraid to look at them, for the fear his heart would tear. Julia laughed as she roughly pulled Spike's head up to face her. "Aw poor Spike." Julia pretended to pout as Spike stared her blankly in the eyes as Julia let the knife cut marks on to his cheek. The blood fell from his face onto her shoe. Watching the two Faye could not help but cry out once again. "Spike you don't have to take this from them, please! Defend yourself!" Vicious had had enough. Faye was none of his trouble it was Spike he was after. "Go on Julia. Take his life." Julia smirked as Vicious dragged Faye over towards the door. "Have your fun Julia. Show the bastard no mercy." Closing the door, Spike could hear mangled screams, no doubt coming from his comrade, as she crashed to the floor.
