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Lost In A Memory

        By FayesEmeraldEyes

        Rated: PG-13


Time to say adieu. All together its way to early, but its time. It kills you to leave and it kills you to stay. To say you did not enjoy that bliss would be a lie. Its written all over your face, left for the world to know. But It seems as the world has slowed. Its only you and her now. Oh how you want to be here for her. To be here when she needs to break down. To be here just to be here, but you know you can't be. For those years of your life you have loved no other. Memories calling your name. The past always catches up with you when its least expected. Looking away from those eyes you face the door. Its slightly open and looking as if someone is at your door. Shades of blonde hit your eyes. Spinning around, Faye has been positioned to the bed. Behind her fragile body stands a man, hair as white and, eyes as cold, as snow. Things happen for a reason, your mother always told you. Your heart it brakes for the one you used to love and the one right in front of you. A bloodied hand is placed upon your shoulder. Looking over you see the one you thought had already drifted away. But she's there. There to torture you and press the knives hard.. harder into your back.




Your mind is spinning now. Faster and faster, begging you to choose. To step back into the dream world or stay here in agony in the real world, but would it really be so bad just to stay. Maybe you could leave it all behind. Walk away and let fate do as it must. Since when have you believed in fate? Never helping you before and showing its ugly face like a snake with its fangs. Something sharp makes it mark in your back. You turn to see her. Eyes as black as night, her face still. She's going to kill you and that's not the way it should be. Can you see it more clearly now? Fate was in front of you this whole time. Faye is your fate.
