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Xenon's Lair of All Things Draconic

I am a Dragon. I am Xenon. I am not fantasy. I am not imaginary. I am not insane. But what I am is pure fact. I am a dragon. I am what I am.

I first came to terms with myself on the 16th of March in 2003 CE.

Being a Dragon is not what the vast majority of people think – when I say dragon, people automatically think of the fire-breathing-monster-from-hell image. First of all, this is not true – Dragons are not evil, this is a belief implanted by the Christian Bible many centuries ago. Also Draconism is not Satanism, for exactly the same reason. What I think a Dragon is, when associated with a Homo-Sapiens, it’s a state of being, a state of mind, or a source of power. I don’t like to think that I don’t have control over things that happen to me. In other words, I control my own fate.

People who are dragons usually have their own idea of their own entity. Some are like me, draconic in soul, others find power within oneself. This is what makes us individual.

My general personality is polite, friendly, and I get on well with others. Yes, I get mad like the next person, but I have been known to over-react, be over-defensive, like things in nice neat piles on the floor, all common draconic traits – these things do not make you a dragon … you just know.

The semi-fictional texts that follow are based upon my everyday life, inspired by the UseNet board Alfandra, and helped along by my alter-ego, Jim.

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