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- [ More Banners] - June 1st, 2003

I put up some cool banners Bombis made. They're not offical yet but I put em up anyway.


- [ Vacation / Banners] - May 31st, 2003

Hey guys, if you don't already know, from now on my name is Evelyn. I will be leaving on June 1st for a two week vacation to the east coast. I'll post stuff on the forum so we can stay in touch but I wont be in eg...

Thanks -Evelyn (Dr.M)

As you can see I've changed the look of the site. This is one I took from a list of templates where Evelyn had his old site. That gray stuff really was getting on my nerves. The color blue just seems more soothing. Anyway, I've added some banners I made(after I got them ok'ed) so go check them out. I just basically modified the origonals. Some of the colors don't go together with the border circles, but I put them up anyway. I'm going to add green ones later. Check 'em out, hope you like them.