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Welcome to E_T homepage

G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more
Hi, my name's Estherand this is my homepage. As u can see, there's not much but do keep checking as I will add some more things. My favorite thing to do on the internet is to go on Neopets. There, u can create a virtual pet and play free games. Its ALL FREE!! E V E R Y T H I N G !! If u have an account on neopets, neomail me and I can send u some items. If ur age on neopets is not old enough to be sending neomail, then give me ur username and I will buy something from ur shop. Keep checking and I will add some more givaways!!


Animation from
here's the link to my graphics helping page. click here
oh, and before i forget, heres the link to my testpage if u want to noe wats coming up on this site!
