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Hunter S. Thompson

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Bibliographical Essay


     Mr. Hunter S. Thompson can be described as many different things.  A reporter, a journalist, a freedom fighter, a psycho, a dope fiend, a politician, or as Hunter puts it " the soul of a teenage girl in the body of an elderly dope fiend."  This last phrase very well sums up Hunter's nature, it may be a hard concept to grasp, but that is just the way Hunter is.  Hunter is truly a free spirit, he is a self proclaimed "café racer" who has "a highly contagious Virus, Speedata Viruuseum."  He has been taken to trial on numerous occasions not only to defend himself but also to attempt to liberate others from the tyrannical bonds of modern society.  Hunter is very open as to his full support to the protection of the first and fourth amendment of the constitution, so much so that he founded the "Fourth Amendment Foundation".  Through all of these instances and countless others Hunter keeps returning to his main trait, the "American dream" or as he so often refers to in his writings "the death of the American dream" this shows the deeply patriotic soul of a man who has lived outside the U.S. government's control, yet has also remained at the heart of the American dream. Hunter shows his complete support for the constitution and his deep hate of those who abuse its powers and mandates.  Hunter has an open mind, as is evident by the mass mind altering "experimentations" he has undergone and his willingness to be different.  In fact he prides himself on being a "freak", as he prides himself for everything that he has done.  But I myself am truly unable to fully describe the inner workings of Mr. Thompson, only he is capable of such a vicious task, "If the greatest mania of all is passion: and if I am a natural slave to passion: and if the balance between my brain and my soul and my body is as wild and delicate as the skin of a Ming vase-".  This accurately summarizes the weird mental happenings of the true Gonzo journalist in his own words.
     A great man once said, "the only constant is change" if this holds true than Hunter S. Thompson is one of the most consistent people in the world.  He has advocated many organizations, foundations, and even protests, most of which pertain to the civil freedoms that all men deserve.  By utilizing his genius, abstract mind, and his lust for the re-birth of the American dream, Thompson has become an icon for the unmoral majority of this country.  Thompson's accomplishments are infamous; they range from converting people to the quest for the American dream, to offering legal assistance to unfortunate victims of "the system", usually putting himself in grave legal and personal danger.  He will be remembered for his books, his thoughts, his demented, yet true, view of our social and political state of being.  Undoubtedly Hunter's most notable accomplishment is the "Fourth Amendment Foundation" he founded this because, "The Fourth Amendment protection of a citizen's privacy against his or her government's intrusion is the linchpin upon which all other civil liberties rest.  Freedom of speech and association, so essential to a free society, would mean little if the citizens' activities and communications were not protected from government interference and interception."  This single act sums up the whole of Hunter's efforts to protect the civil rights of the American people.  He has waged war on a smaller scale against the system before, but none of those instances are as notable as this legal formation of freedom fighters, securing the freedoms that America promises, but seldom delivers.
     Hunter Thompson is a very controversial man.  He has always been well received by Freaks, lawyers, most democrats, and most who remember the American dream.  However do to his off beat style and views many people did not like him, the government despises him, so do many stalkers, bigots, and morally and politically correct members of society.  Hunter received some very odd letters and met some strange people.  He received a letter from an alleged "eight year old Turkish girl named Xania" that's contents are to lewd, graphic, and demented to even attempt to write.  He was normally viewed as a very strange and mystical man who lived one step ahead of the law.  His close friends, who range from a corrupt judge, to Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, And Bob Dylan.  All who knew him well seemed to be willing to give their life for him, and they appeared to be aware that he would do the same for them.  He is one of those people that will be your best friend after knowing him for less than ten minutes.  He was looked upon as a cult icon, a rebel with a cause, to defend the freedoms granted upon the American people, whether they liked it or not.  However, Thompson did have his fair share of enemies, a next-door neighbor, Floyd Watkins who accused Thompson of poisoning water and attempted murder, which were all lies.  Then there was Gail Palmers, an ex-adult movie star turned businesswomen who accused Thompson of rape and drug use after he would not give her an interview.  These are just a sample of incidents were people tried to have Hunter persecuted because they were offended by his odd behavior.  So all in all, Hunter covered the entire spectrum of how others saw him; if he was liked, he was well liked and very trusted for his compassion and sincerity and assistance.  Yet when he was disliked, it was with extreme prejudice and tenacious fury that could almost be described as a mental health crisis for the bigot who disliked him.  It just goes to show how diverse a man he was, and how people took note of his diversity.
     The great genius Albert Einstein once said, "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of values."  This quote defended by the life and actions of Mr. Hunter S. Thompson.  Hunter has always been a simple man, he just likes to live as free as possible, as shown when he "questioned the authority of the FBI at age nine and caught them bluffing."  This incident was just a prelude to the many times when Hunter would put his future into jeopardy just so he would not go down without a fight.  Hunter has never cared about the money, he claims he does what he does out of "passion".  Throughout the entire book there is not one time that Hunter does anything to better his social, economical, or political life that interferes with his free roaming values.  The only way that Hunter deviates from Einstein's quote is in the definition of values.  Einstein was probably referring to a much more acceptable set of values where as Hunter's values are abstract and foreign in most senses to those held by the rest of the world.  This shows where Hunter offers attorneys to "victims of the murder felony law" or where he loans over $24,000 to a man he knew for three hours that shot at cops and watched his buddy get killed, and never filed a lawsuit, called the cops, or even asked for the money back.  That is the mark of a truly self-effacing man.  Thompson had more than enough instances that he could have sued or demanded refunds from car rental agencies, airlines, news networks, and normal citizens; yet he never indulged on these forbidden fruits.  A storm cloud of money is always over Hunter's head, but he just walks away from it and towards the ideals that he holds so dear.



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