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Hi I'm Eduardo Jurado. I was born in Ecuador on September 27, 1981 so if you do the math a I'm 21.
My favorite sport is Squash, jogging and working out in the gym. I also play soccer, basket and some golf. Right now I'm in my senior year at FAU. My major is Computer Engineering. I like everything that have to do with computers, especially the communications among them. I'm really interested in working in some company that offer applications and services of wireless data transmittion. My father have a company that offers those type of services. The company's name is Bismark, so in few years probably I will be working there.
I don't have to many hobbies. I really like to build customized computer for me or for my friends. Also fixing any problem that they have with it. I like to play the guitar but the only thing is that I don't sing to well hehe, still I like it.
I love my country and I think that once I graduate I'll go back. I think that is one of the best countries, at least I like it better than the States. The only problem is that there is too much corruption as any Latin American country and the salary per hours worked is really low.

Here are somo of my favorite sites

My schedule
Course Days Time Instructor
Internet App M W F 14:15 - 16:30 Sam Hsu