Mike's Drunken Diary

Thank you for visiting my drunk ass diary. In fact, I'm drunk right now. How do ya like that? Bastards.

Anyhow, I'm taking my limited (very) knowledge of html and website building, and combining it with drunken ramblings, in order for me to kill time while having a piss up. Chances are I will totally forget my web address. That would suck. Anyway, I will be periodically adding drunken diary entries that no one will fucking read except for me. (Can I say 'fuck'?)

I'm going to anyway. watch this. E-mail me @ md1001@swt.edu

Fuck the fucking fuckers.

that'll show those angelfire bastards. I bet this site gets deleted within a day.

Allright, on with the diary entries.

Last Update: 3.25.03

Drunken Entries

24 March '03 (Entry #1)
25 March '03 (#2)
70 Smarch 1321
11 May '03(Mike @ Rachel's)
3 Augusto
5 August
8 August