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This site is about really nothing more than pictures I've edited, photo manipulation.
I'll separate them by the style of the edit.
For example: Heads on different bodies
go here, and coloured hair goes here, etc.
Hopefully this is more understandable as you go along. I will not post
personal pictures or logos [aside from the one above...].
I'll gladly take any questions, comments, criticisms, etc. at

This paragraph will talk about art. Why I can call what I do art, and why you can call the scribble on the fridge art. =]
Art [as defined by] - a. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements,
or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
b. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.
There you go. While you can argue that I've taken other people's work, I will simply point out the above definition
and that I am arranging colours, etc. Afterall, is not all work just a "copy" of something already created? I think so. =]

This paragraph is dedicated to me. Yeah, that's right. I'm so vain I need a website AND a paragraph about me. =]
In any case... here it is. I'm really interested in digital art, digital editing, photography, and pencil sketches.
Amazingly enough, most of these are incorporated into my 'art'. I'm not the greatest at taking pictures,
but I think I have a good eye, so I genereally admire other people's pictures. What got me into digital art is Woz.
So you're confused now because of this "Woz" business... Well, Woz is a friend of mine... she's the bestest friend ever.
She used to have a website, and all, and she had some nice graphics so naturally I wanted to learn.
She introduced me to Imagestyler [which I still have to date and use whenever I need it, which isn't as rare as you'd think]. From there
I was fairly satisfied. I strayed maybe once or twice to try other programs, but nothing compared to my ImageStyler. Then ImageStyler decided to not exist anymore.
Adobe doesn't offer support for it or anything. So I heard about Photoshop, I guess it was in version 5 when I heard about it.
Anyway, I downloaded it and all and was just unimpressed. I thought it was too hard to manage, and just impossible to get.
Well, I wasn't the brightest child ever, but that is a-okay, because I've been wrong about a lot of programs. Photoshop is definitely NOT an exception.
I now use it for about 80% of my work. People often get the wrong impression when they see the digital graphics [the kind not to be shown here] I do.
They seem to assume I can do SO much more than I can, which I suppose, for looks, is a nice thing, but for request it just isn't fun at all. Speaking of requests... I can't promise anything, but if you want a picture edited, send it to If I can't edit it, oh well. I really can't help that sorry. But if you do email me, tell me what you want to be changed and include the picture [obviously]. I'll be sure to reply and let you know what I'm able to do with it. Woz is a great picture taker if you want your picture to look drawn... so contact her!
[Just kidding... but seriously, look at her picture in the section it belongs in... It's so great!]

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