
Hello there and welcome to my website. Well as you know I am 20 years old, I am 7'4" and you saw what I look like. I had to drop out of Purdue University because of my car accident, but I am enrolled again. Here is what I remember and was told about my accident: I was coming home from work on july 31 it was around 3am.......I saw what looked like a car in my lane heading towards me but thought it was my mind playing tricks on me because i was tired......well I was wrong it was a car in my lane.......all I remember was slamming on the brakes......the rest of what I will tell you was told to me......on july 31st at 3:12a.m. I was hit by a drunk driver head on......his alcohol level was 0.302......which is three times the legal limit......anyways......it took the firemen and paramedics 27 minutes to free me and I was immediately airlifted right then and there by lifeline......a helicopter that flies severely injured people to the hospital......the emergency room doctor put me in a drug induced coma because I had swelling in my brain......I was in the coma for three days......I was in intensive care for 35 days and then for the next 15 days was in a regular room.....yes....that's right...you heard me....i was in that hospital for 45 days!!!!!!......anyways.....I was released thursday sept.12th......as far as my condition.....well....both my legs were broke......my right arm was broke....my left arm was fractured in four spots.....and three disks in my spine were fractured severely......as far as the drunk....he basically walked away......I was on a ton of medications and pain killers.....I had to basically relearn almost everything....which was very degrading.....I am still learning stuff to this day. My childhood was not the best in the world, and I truely believe that is why my brothers are the way they are. But however, I also look at my life and have to realize that they can not blame our parents 100% because I didn't turn out the way they are. There was never any love in our family when I was growing up. My parents were never there for us, and when they were they were usually beating us for one thing or another. It was also "routine" for us to be locked outside EVERY DAY in the summer, from sunrise to sunset. We had to rely on our grandmother, who lived six miles away, to bring us food. We were getting water by drinking from the spicket in the back of the house. Seemed like no matter how many times we called C.P.S., nothing was ever done. Plus, they were never home both mom and dad owned a business. Dad ran a car dealership (the only FORD dealer within 50 miles) and mom ran a grocery store. Yes, they were handed down from generation to generation. When my parents passed away, from a car accident, I didn't even attend the funeral. I just wanted that chapter of my life to be finally closed. They passed away about two years ago and I was just informed recently that I was the beneficiary to their life insurance policy ($750,000.00). From what I understand Tom got the car lot, Richard got the grocery store, and John got the house. Richard sold the store two years ago and is broke already. Not sure what Tom or John did because we don't talk. Ever since I was fifteen I was working for Werst Construction. Tom was the owner and was a very neat guy to work for. While my brothers were sitting at home watching the boob tube I was out in the workforce. At first I started doing little things around his business: planting flowers, yard work, painting, etc. Then when I was a Junior in high school my guidance councler suggested that since my G.P.A. was pretty descent I might want to consider taking a clases or two at a secondary school. After talking to Tom, since my parents weren't there for me, we decided that since Purdue University had a campus about twenty miles from me I would go there. I took one class a week for three hours, and decided that my major would be Business Management. Tom and I at that point were getting to be pretty good friends, and he decided that it was time for me to put my knowledge to work. He made me Office Manager when I was just 17! That was the happiest day of my life, wished my parents could have celebrated with me. When my grandmother was alive, she hired an attorney and had me immancipated when I was 14 through the courts. I was living with her until she passed away, then was living there by myself. My grandmother left me everything in her will, and even though my mom tried to contest the will, she lost. So, at this time in my life, I had a house that was paid for, approx. $110,000.00 in cash and savings bonds, had a job as an Office Manager, and was attending college part time. Tom and I were becoming really close friends, I even called him "dad" several times. He was there for me during my football games, even though there were times he was pretty sick, he still was in the bleachers for me. He was even there for my graduation, and my parents didn't even show up! Almost every bodybuilding competition I was in, Tom was there to cheer me on. After I graduated high school I decided to attend Purdue University in West Lafayette and live on campus, but that never happened. See, Tom was getting pretty sick and it was hard for him to do daily things, so I decided to stay at the near by facility and help om out. Seven months after my high school graduation, Tom passed away. I came to work early one morning and thought he was asleep at my desk. When I shook him to wake him up, he fell off the chair. I called him a few times and after no responce called 911. The paramedics told me he probobly had a heart attack. There was a note on my desk from Tom, and to this day, I still have that note. It read: "I CAN NOT THINK OF A BETTER PERSON TO PASS MY INHERITENCE TOO...YOU DESERVE IT....YOU ARE ONE HELL OF A GUY...TAKE CAR" The paramedics told me that probably while he was writting the word CARE is when he had the heart attack. Tom's attorney contacted me and informd me that he bestowed his whle estate to me, and my mouth dropped. The only deal was that Tom requested that I sell his business, which I did as he wished. Today I am worth over 25 million dollars and am living proof that if you want something in life, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. Granted, like me, you may have to bust your a**, but it is reachable. EVERY YEAR I donate $50,000.00 to the energy assistance program here, which helps low income families get free heating this winter so they wont have to pay for their heat to help them out. Plus i donate $25,000.00 to the christmas club, which donates toys to children for christmas to low income families. I also donate $50,000.00 to the local Boys/Girls Club...........$30,000.00 to the Salvation Army.........and $5,000.00 A MONTH to the local food pantries here.

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