Sunday Spanking "These stories are fiction, intended for entertainment only, not recomendations for the treatment of children."
Sunday Spanking
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School Spanking

The Obedience Game

She had thought about her perfect day the whole time she was taking her nightly shower. She had giggled to herself that he must have decided not to give her the regular reminder spanking that was their custom on Sunday afternoons. She played with the idea that maybe he had forgotten and he would want her to remind him, but had decided that she just couldn’t remind him. The day had been so perfect, well… except that one time this morning before she was really awake. That really shouldn’t count. He wanted her to get up and fix breakfast and she just wanted to sleep. She had been quite nasty to him when she finally got up. But, while she was preparing his favorite Sunday breakfast, she changed her attitude. She realized that he just wanted more time with her. He came down and scolded her a little for her earlier attitude, but they ended up laughing and enjoying the breakfast and the rest of the day.

She prepared for bed with extra attention to details that she knew would please him. She splashed on his favorite perfume. She wore her red silk oriental style pajamas. She had herbal tea brewing in their sitting room. She planned to serve him tea and give attention to his manhood in between sips of her tea. He enjoyed receiving a blowjob when her mouth was warm and minty from the tea.

She was surprised when she walked into the sitting room and found him sitting in the stuffed chair in the sitting room. He had their wedding paddle in his hand and he summoned her over with a wave of it. That paddle, with the blue handle, was the one that they had used on their wedding night to “clarify” the kind of relationship that they would have. He was the “boss”, the head of their household and she was subject to him in everything.

She knew better that to say a word. She went quickly to his side. She didn’t offer any resistance as he pulled down those red silk pajama pants and pulled her across his knee. He asked her if she knew what was about to happen and she quickly, softly, said, “yes, sir.” Then he reminded her of that “stinky” attitude this morning and said there would be a little more than a regular reminded spanking tonight. He said that tonight her bottom would match those red pajamas. He complemented her on changing her attitude early in the day. He was as pleased with the day as she had been. He told her that she was a wonderful wife, for the most part. He reminded her that this discipline was because he loved her. They both knew that she needed the spanking she was about to receive. When he was sure that she understood, he started. The paddle kept beat to the rhythms of the surfer music on the radio. When a slow song came on, the pace slowed down. During the livelier song the pace was quicker. She wiggled and squirmed as he heated up her bottom. The swats where not particularly hard. They were just frequent and abundant. This was pretty typical for her regular Sunday spanking. She always ended up with a warm bottom. When she was warmed a little more than usual, he told her to get up and go to the bedroom. She quickly pulled up her pajamas, so she wouldn’t trip on them as she complied. He instructed her to pile six pillows at the end of the bed. Six pillows he said would hold her bottom high. Six pillows represented one for each stripe his belt would leave across her bottom, tonight. She did as he directed, knowing that to try to talk him out of the punishment, would only bring greater punishment. When she was finished gathering the pillows and building the tower, he instructed her to pull off the bottoms to her outfit. The top was long and it covered her already warmed bottom. The cooler air that blew under the top, felt nice. She hated knowing that soon the fire would begin again. He simply said, “Bend over.” She knew what she had to do and with only a little hesitation, she obeyed. The pillows held her bottom up so high that her feet didn’t touch the floor. She felt so much like a naughty little girl waiting for her spanking, with her bared hiney up so high and her legs swinging mid-air. She didn’t have long to wait. First there was the jingle of him unbuckling the belt. Then came the sound of his belt racing though the loops of his jeans. Then there was a little more jingling as he double the belt in two. The swish through the air was the last sound before the pop of leather against her bottom. Wow! It really stung! Instinctively she tucked her tail before the next stroke and he hit her a little higher with the next. It stung too, but it wasn’t in the “sweet spot” like the first one. He wasn’t pleased that he had missed the target. “Stick that bottom up!” he ordered. She did, even though she knew he wouldn’t miss the tender lower cheeks again. The third stripe was right on target, as was the fourth and fifth. For the sixth, he took his time. He had left stripes so that when she sat for the next day or so, she would remember he spanking. He wanted to make sure that the last one was as effective as the ones before. “Stick that bottom up high for this one.” was his command. As she obeyed, she knew the last swat was going to be painful. They all had been. She was crying hard, and harder with the anticipation of this last lick. It struck right on the upper thighs, just where the buttocks meet them. She cried out with the pain and threw her hands back to rub out the pain. “Back in position!” he ordered. She was at once fearful that he wasn’t finished. He had said six and six she had gotten. Had she done something wrong? Was she to be punished for some other infraction? She listened, unable to discern what was going on behind her. She felt his hand roughly rub her bottom. He said he believed that it might be “hot” enough to teach her a lesson. Then she felt his hands explore her pussy. He noted that she was very wet. He asked if the spanking had turned her on. She could only sob, “yes, sir.” She was afraid that it would encourage him to spank her more. He was still busy behind her. She felt the cool slick lubrication around her ass hole. She thought he must have decided to discipline her more by having her wear her but plug. She wondered with one it would be. The small one was hard to keep in place and would surely get her spanked again, when she “lost” it. The middle-sized one wasn’t so bad and she really hoped, if she had to wear one that it would be the one. The large plug was very uncomfortable. There was lots of lubricant applied in and around her tight hole. He stretched her with two gloved fingers, then three. She though he much have decided on the large plug. Then she heard the rip of paper and a condom being applied to his manhood. He pressed himself inside of her. He paused a moment to let her get used to the fullness of him. Then, he began to pound his meat in her. The force of him against her bottom re-ignited the fire that the belt had started. He pounded harder and harder, reminding her that discipline was for her good and that he loved her. Faster and faster he drove himself in and out of her, until they both burst into orgasm. She slept well that night. She was content in the knowledge that her guilt had been absolved with the spanking. She was content in the knowledge that her husband loved her.